The Bellhop Only Stalks Once by Cat Hickey

The Bellhop Only Stalks Once

The Bellhop Only Stalks Once by Cat Hickey

Release: August 3rd 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Darkstroke Books
Source: Rachels Random Resources
Find it at: Amazon



Lies, secrets, and a sinister plot hide in broad daylight at the heart of the Club Pacifica.

Here is a beautiful tropical resort, exciting new friends, and a handsome guest liaison . It’s the perfect getaway for Chloe, a free-spirited Baltimore girl just getting to know herself. But the vacation of a lifetime quickly takes a dark turn when a young, overly flirty bellhop starts following her everywhere. It gets even worse when he disappears, and Chloe is the sole witness.

As bellhop after bellhop goes missing, she struggles to figure out what’s happening. When suspicion falls upon her, Chloe must not only try to rescue the kidnapped bellhops, but also to clear her name.

Complicating things further is the relationship she forms with Mateo, Club Pacifica’s guest liaison. Charming and easygoing, he is everything that her fiancé at home is not, Also, she finds herself fighting a growing attraction to him. But can she trust him?

She soon discovers that a world of secrets lies ahead of her, and, worse, that these are not just those of others, but also the secrets she keeps from herself.

Can she find her way through all the lies to finally discover the truth before it’s too late?

About the Author:

Cat Hickey has a Master’s degree in Biology, and teaches Anatomy and Physiology at a university in Baltimore, MD, USA. She writes light-hearted mysteries and thrillers that are based, partly, on her extensive travels around the world. She is also an avid yogi who teaches aerial yoga and practices aerial circus arts, and spends the rest of her time with her four rescue animals, which consist of three cats and a horse.

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The Bellhop Only Stalks Once Review:

The Bellhop Only Stalks Once” is a mystery that is out of the box and bizarre, but very entertaining.

The story is so strange and different, but funny with a touch of dark humor. The author tells the story in a very quirky manner where you roll your eyes at times, but you still find it entertaining and want to know what happens. I don’t think I have ever read a book that got me scared one scene, and made me laugh in the next. Some of the scenes are very eerie, like when Chloe and Mateo witness the creepy ritual in the woods with people wearing chicken costumes. Yet, some scenes were so fun and lively, like how the gang handled Strawberry.

Chloe is awesome in the lead as she tries to figure out what is happening. Most of the characters she meets are creepy, weird, and secretive. Sopie and Kaia are hilarious as Chloe’s new friends. In fact, I felt Sopie was the best character in the book. She is peculiar, but very entertaining with her actions. On a side note, I loved the exotic backdrop of Costa Rica and thought it made the story very atmospheric.

However, the reveal at the end to the missing bellhops felt far-fetched and disconnected from reality. Also, I wasn’t keen on Chloe and Mateo’s romance. It felt forced, and would have been nice if they had just been friends. But I loved the way Chloe resolved her situation with Cooper.

Nevertheless, this was a memorable read. Overall, if you want to read an exotic mystery novel that will make you laugh and keep you guessing, this is the book to read!

Book Tour Schedule

The Bellhop Only Stalks Once

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Bellhop Only Stalks Once Blog Tour hosted by Rachels Random Resources.

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