The Better Mother

The Better Mother by Emily Shiner

Release: October 22, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: ‎ Inkubator Books

Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon,



Zoe just wanted to help. Now she may have a killer in her home.

Zoe is happily married to Ethan until the day a 13-year-old boy shows up on their doorstep. He says his name is Micah and that Ethan is his father. Distressed because his mother is missing, Micah has come to them for help.

Ethan is wary – he didn’t know anything about Micah – but kind-hearted Zoe feels she can’t possibly turn her back on the boy. She welcomes him into their home and does her best to make him part of the family.

But there’s something off about Micah.

He lies constantly, creeps silently around the house and towers over Zoe, observing her every move. And his growing bond with Anna, Zoe’s young daughter, feels all wrong.

So when his mother’s body is found and the police start looking for the murderer, Zoe realizes something terrible…

He might already be in her home.

The Better Mother – the stunning psychological thriller from the best-selling author of Her Husband’s Secret.

About the Author:

Emily Shiner always dreamed of becoming an author but first served her time as a banker and a teacher. After a lifetime of devouring stacks of thrillers, she decided to try her hand at writing them herself. Now she gets to live out her dream of writing novels and sharing her stories with people around the world. She lives in the Appalachian Mountains and loves hiking with her husband, daughter, and their two dogs.

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The Better Mother Review:

One of the standout aspects of the story lies in how the author skillfully delves into the emotions of Zoe and Micah. I was drawn to the way the author depicted Zoe’s internal struggles as she navigates the intricate web of her evolving family dynamics, all the while considering the potential impact on Anna. She grapples with the moral dilemma of aiding Micah while fulfilling her role as a mother to both children.

Likewise, the author shines a light on Micah’s deepening attachment to his newfound family and the inner conflict he harbors about his concealed past. He fears that these secrets may disrupt the happiness he’s discovered in his new home. Throughout the book, an air of mystery and tension surrounds Micah’s background.

The author skillfully weaves in eerie moments, such as those involving the Frankenphoto, Zoe’s laptop search, and the discovery of the stuffed animal. The narrative consistently keeps you guessing about what might be unfolding, particularly about Micah.

However, I found the ending peculiar, and it was predictable for me. It didn’t quite send shivers down my spine, and I would have appreciated a more shocking twist.

Setting that aside, I thoroughly enjoyed reading “The Better Mother,” I believe it makes a valuable addition to the author’s body of work.

Book Tour Schedule

The Better Mother

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Better Mother by Emily Shiner Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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