The Bridesmaid by Vic P. Victory

The Bridesmaid

The Bridesmaid by Vic P. Victory
Release: April 4th 2020
Format: Ebook
Source: YA Bound Book Tours

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May I introduce Emma to you?

Emma, early thirties, dependable magnet for mishaps, “screw ups”, and small to medium catastrophes, trusting victim of womanizers, and a newly minted frustrated single. Nachos with cheese sauce, frozen chocolate tarts, family packs of vanilla ice cream, a little too much red wine, and a gigantic serving of self-pity are helping her drown her misery.
When her friend Olga choses Emma to be her bridesmaid amidst her own personal crisis, she would rather burst into flames. After an initial period of stagnation, she begins to accept the task thrust upon her, and fully dedicates herself to project “Wedding”.

If only it wasn’t for the bride, who slowly mutates into a self-righteous, megalomaniac, obsessed with perfection and allergic to any well-meant criticism. In other words, a bridezilla. Despite Olga’s unrealistic expectations and unabashed fits of rage, Emma resists the thought of a jumbo-sized Kentucky fried chicken bucket, straightens her 3-buttons-blouse, pulls herself up, has another sip of red wine, and charges into the fight to save a wedding and a friendship.

About the Author:

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The Bridesmaid Review:

OK, I admit it! “Bridezillas” used to be my guilty pleasure back in the day. This book made me nostalgic of the television show, and turned out to be a very entertaining read!

The characters are the highlight of the story and the author writes them in a very entertaining manner. Moreover, Emma is wonderful in the lead and I loved her relationship with Paul. Olga is truly devious and a character you love to hate. The author has a wonderful talent for writing witchy characters, and Olga is the perfect example. There are some moments that made me laugh out loud, like all the accidents that Emma runs into, or when Emma goes to the in-laws to interview them for the video. Also, I liked Marie a lot but we don’t see much of her. However, since the story ends in a cliffhanger, perhaps she will be prominent in the next book.

While this was a fun book to read, few things could have been better. Firstly, I felt like the outcome was disappointing. Olga is such an infuriating character and treats everyone like dirt. As I reader, I wanted something to happen to her, for the way she behaved, to learn from her mistakes. Yet, nothing really happens to change her, and she gets away with all the dirty deeds. Also, Ben is annoying as well for the way he treats Emma, but we don’t get to see Emma have her payback on him. Furthermore, few of the scenes felt random like how Christian suddenly barges in the wedding.

Apart from that, the story was very entertaining, and I am keen to read the continuation.

The Bridesmaid

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Bridesmaid by Vic P. Victory!

Book Tour Schedule
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July 17

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