The Buzz Boys by Edward Izzi

The Buzz Boys

The Buzz Boys by Edward Izzi

Release: March 25th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Cassino Publishing, Inc.
Source: RABT Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



Chicago Attorney Robert Mazzara has just been informed of the suicide death of his childhood friend, Marco Pezza. The two of them grew up together in a small suburb in Chicago during the turbulent sixties and seventies when the issues of household violence were seldom ever addressed. Along with their best friends, Petey Rodriguez, Billy Kozar, and Johnny Orozco, they all experienced the coming-of-age events that all young boys go through during grade school and high school, with one exception: They were all survivors of severe physical and sexual child abuse.

As they all grow up into young adults, the demons of their past, along with their abusive fathers, play a significant part in each and every one of their young lives. But, they all grow up coping with their horrific childhoods, their violent fathers, and the long-term impact it has taken throughout their adulthood. Mazzara reflects on all of the tragic encounters and events that occurred during the last fifty years, culminating with his best friend’s suicide. He realizes that he is now…the only one left. Once upon a time, a long time ago, Robby and Marco, along with Petey, Billy, and Johnny…were once called ‘The Buzz Boys’

About the Author:

Mild mannered accountant turns thriller fiction author!

A native of Detroit, Edward Izzi was once a talented writer in high school, until he took a successful career as a CPA. Also, later experiencing his own personal demons, it was suggested that he take up writing again or end up on the ‘six o’clock news.

He has now written and published short stories, poetry, and several thriller fiction novels. These include “Of Bread and Wine”, “A Rose from The Executioner”, “Demons of Divine Wrath”, “Quando Dormo”, “El Camino Drive”, “When A Rook Takes The Queen” and the new coming of age thriller “The Buzz Boys.” Living a quiet life in Chicago, he writes his crime thrillers every night while fighting off his nocturnal demons…

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The Buzz Boys Review:

Be ready to have the tissues nearby because “The Buzz Boys” will have you emotionally in tears.

This book was beautiful and heartbreaking. How many challenges does one go through in their life before they get pushed to the breaking point? My heart went out to Robby throughout the tale. He goes through so much in the story, and it was interesting to see how he faced his inner demons. This book is a whirlwind of emotions, and the second half of the book will make you teary-eyed.

Moreover, the author also touches on topics like child abuse, which was not prevalent in the 60s, and how they take a toll on the characters growing up. It shows that no matter how old you get, the scars never really go away, and if you don’t take care, it will come back to haunt you. Each of the Buzz Boys faces abuse by their fathers in one way or another growing up, and we later see how it affects them. Some of the memorable moments in the story were when Robby uses the Suzie Qs and attends Robby’s wedding.

One of the author’s strengths is in the bonds he creates between the characters. After reading this book, you feel like you are one of the Buzz Boys and connected with the characters. Another reason why I loved this story was the romance between Robby and Annie. The author wonderfully wrote their romance, and I loved the childhood connection with the Superman references.

Overall, “The Buzz Boys” is a beautiful story and one which I will remember for a long time.


The Buzz Boys

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Buzz Boys by Edward Izzi Blog Tour hosted by RABT Book Tours

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