The Clinic

The Clinic by Sally-Anne Martyn

Release: October 27th 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Joffe Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon,



Would you go to a beauty clinic that promises to transform your life? If you’re prepared to put the work in.

It seems like the opportunity of a lifetime. An all-inclusive stay at a top-of-the-line wellness retreat for a month of pampering and luxury. Not just anyone gets in. Guests are hand selected.

They promise big results: a total transformation.

All you have to do is take a few pills every day. Join in the activities. Make some new friends.

But then you start to lose track of time. The meals get smaller. They take away everything from you.

And the guests start disappearing . . . Will you be next?
About the Author:

Sally-Anne grew up near Sheffield, in the north of England. She has worked as a writer, film and television extra and formerly as an auxiliary nurse, including a spell working in one of the last Victorian asylums in England.

As a child she loved Hammer House and Tales of the Unexpected, so unsurprisingly her books lean towards the darker side. She writes female led thrillers, inspired by the working-class women she grew up with.

She has written for international print and digital publications and won an ITV initiative for her short film script, ‘Freak Show.’

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The Clinic Review:

Wow! “The Clinic” is perhaps one of the best psychological thrillers I have read this year, and I could not put it down.

This book has all the elements that excite me from the genre. Creepy asylums, shady characters, mysterious pasts, and tense moments get you to the edge of your seat. The author does a beautiful job of building suspense. The chapters toggle between Amy and Jenny, and while you feel like their stories are separate, I enjoyed how they connected. Even though there are 92 chapters, you don’t see the time fly by as you immerse in Amy and Jenny’s world.

Amy and Jenny are excellent in their roles. Jenny was my favorite because I loved how my perception of her changed. She is more vigorous and brave than I gave her credit for, considering her challenges since childhood. Similarly, Amy brings a sense of innocence to the tale as our heroine tries to discover what happened to her fellow friends. Dr. Cavendish is also exciting to read because you sense something is wrong with the methods she suggests, but you cannot place what unless you read the story.

Many moments stood out for me, like when Amy and Jenny meet or when we see what happens to Gaynor. The supporting cast, like Bob, Gaynor, Jasmine, and even the sleazy Robert, added well to the mix and made the story atmospheric.

Moreover, the author adds an underlying message that you don’t have to be model thin and look exotic to appreciate life and have people admire you. I enjoyed how the author embedded the theme, albeit in such a twisted manner.

Overall, “The Clinic” is a gripping psychological thriller and a must-read for fans of the genre.


Book Tour Schedule

  The Clinic I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Clinic by Sally-Anne Martyn Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.



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