The Colossus of Roads by Christina Uss

The Colossus of Roads

The Colossus of Roads by Christina Uss
Release: May 5th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Margaret Ferguson Books
Source: Amazon


Eleven-year-old Rick Rusek is determined to improve the traffic conditions in Los Angeles– his parent’s failing delivery catering service, Smotch, depends on it.

“Traffic is a puzzle with one correct solution. And I’ve got to solve it!”

Rick has been studying maps and traffic patterns for years, and devises solutions to improve Los Angeles’ notoriously terrible traffic that he calls his Snarl Solutions. He has big ideas, but not enough resources– until his artistic friend, Mila brings him to a Girl Scout meeting.

Every week at Miss Diamond’s art studio, the scouts paint recycled traffic signs with their own designs. The signs will be hung all over Los Angeles to beautify the city with art. But Rick, The Colossus of Roads, has ulterior motives . . . He will restore the signs to their original glory and find a way to install them strategically to rectify the traffic. Anything can be hung with duct tape!
But of course, it’s not that easy. SPLAT (Stop Poor LA Traffic), BLAM (Bike-Loving Amazing Mamas), and the TCD (Traffic Calming Division) have their own methods of curing the city’s dilemma and will undermine Rick’s efforts however they can.

Will Rick be able to clear the notorious traffic problem on Sepulveda Pass in time for his parents to deliver Polish food to the movie studio and land the catering contract they need to keep their company afloat?

The Colossus of Roads Review:

This book was unique and fun to read! I thought it was a very different concept from what you usually read in a realistic fiction middle grade novel.  

Firstly, I thought the author did a very nice job in writing this story to focus on transportation and road signs. I guess it’s not an easy task to make road signs sound interesting, but the author does a good job in doing so. She makes an important point of how even small changes make a big impact in society. On a side note, I loved how she incorporated various motivational quotes that blended well in the plot.

Rick is wonderful as the main character! He is determined to get the job done, even if it means risking his health for it. I liked Mila also and thought she was very interesting. Even other characters like Ms. Diamond, Ms. Torres and Rick’s parents blended nicely. However, my favorite character was Abuelita. She is adorable and hilarious!

However, the only downside to this story is Rick’s condition. Even though the author touches on it, I didn’t really understand what his stomach condition was. I thought the story was progressing with that angle when Abuelita drives him to Ms.Diamond’s house, and Rick doesn’t face the issue. However, the story side tracks in the second half focusing on Rick’s ideas for the traffic signs, and avoids mention of his stomach issue. I feel like we really didn’t get any closure on this.

Overall, I enjoyed this story. I would definitely remember this story and try looking for art whenever I drive past a traffic sign when I am next on the road.


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