The Dark Awakening

The Dark Awakening (Chosen Coven #1) by D.L. Blade
Release: October 2nd 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Fifth Element Publishing
Source: YA Bound Book Tours

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Mercy’s life is anything but ordinary. A stalker lurks in the shadows, and a man rescues her from a life-threatening car accident, but vanishes right before her eyes.

But this man who she thought was a hallucination, tracks her down at a nearby cove, and claims they were once in love from another time. Another century. Mercy has no memory of this world he shares, and instinctively doesn’t trust him.

He also reveals to her a life-changing secret—she’s a powerful witch, vampires are real, and she’s destined to destroy them.

Hence, Mercy finds herself dragged into a centuries-old battle against the undead, and a sadistic vampire leader has set his sights on her. And he will stop at nothing until he claims Mercy as his own.

She and her coven won’t go down without a fight. She needs to discover the truth about her past, and the power she holds, before it’s too late.

About the Author:

D.L. Blade grew up in southern California, but relocated to Colorado with her family in 2014.The Dark Awakening

She always loved writing, concentrating on poetry rather than prose when she was younger. However, that changed, when she had a dream one night and decided to create a story about it.

In her spare time, D.L. enjoys a wide variety of hobbies, including reading, and attending rock concerts. Also, she enjoys visiting animal sanctuaries and pet shelters. She hopes one day she will own enough land to start her own dog rescue.

In the future, D.L. hopes that she can continue to write exciting novels that will captivate her readers and bring them into the worlds that she creates using her imagination.
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The Dark Awakening Review:

Witches and werewolves and vampires, oh my! I have read quite a few YA paranormal stories and was expecting this to be generic Twilight-ish tale. But, this book surprised my expectations and was so much better than I thought. It was an adrenaline, adventure ride with many twists and turns. I loved every moment of it.

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The author has done a wonderful job in writing the story. Each chapter has something fresh and exciting happening to Mercy. The style of writing is so smooth, and there is not even a dull moment. Moreover, she explains the origin history of Kylan in such a wonderful manner. I never had any difficulties in following with the story-line, even though a LOT of things happen.

Furthermore, I loved Mercy as the main character. She is the perfect archetype by being emotional, brave, and also having a sense of humor. But more than Mercy, I loved her friends. If I wanted a close circle of friends, I would want someone just like Shannon, Cami and Riley. Even Lily and Joel add so well to the plot!


However,  the story had a few minor inconsistencies, which I guess would be explained in the following books. For example, I didn’t understand how Riley and Amber knew each other in the first place. I thought he loved Mercy and was not seeing anyone else. Also, some of the sub-plots are also left open-ended, which I hoped we would get closure to. I hope to see more of the mysterious fortune teller in the following books.

Moreover, I thought it was strange how Mercy didn’t feel sad for her mother, after what the incident that takes place between them. She immediately moves on to Cami’s issues.  Also, it was a bit of a whiplash how Mercy was just so comfortable using her powers immediately after she discovers them, without any time for adjustment.

Overall, The Dark Awakening is worth reading if you love paranormal romance stories of vampires and witches!


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The Dark Awakening

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Dark Awakening by D.L. Blade!

Book Tour Schedule
June 22

On My Bookshelf   Review
Ilovebooksandstuffblog  Excerpt
fundinmental Promo Post
YA/NA Book Divas   Promo Post

June 23

Living in a Bookworld Promo Post
I Heart Fictional People  Review

June 24

Northern Belle Bookworm  Promo Post
Kelsey Ketch, Author  Promo Post
The Avid Reader  Review
Rajiv’s Reviews  Review

June 25

Baroness’ Book Trove  Review
Willow Reads and Writes Promo Post  Promo Post

June 26

Andi’s Young Adult Books  Promo Post
The Pulp and Mystery Shelf  Promo Post
Triquetra Reviews  Promo Post
Teatime and Books  Promo Post

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