The Dark Chorus by Ashley Meggitt

The Dark Chorus

The Dark Chorus by Ashley Meggitt

Release: October 14th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Darkstroke Books (Crooked Cat Books)
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



Oblivio salvationem Angelis opperitur

Oblivion awaits the Angel’s salvation.

The Boy can see lost souls. 

He has never questioned the fact that he can see them. He thinks of them as the Dark Chorus. When he sets out to restore his dead ,mother’s soul, it becomes clear that his ability comes from within him. It is a force that he cannot ignore – the last shard of the shattered soul of an angel.

For restoration to the kingdom of light, the shard requires the cleansing of the evil that infects it,, but this requires the living’s living’s corrupt souls!

However, with Makka’s help, a psychotically violent young man full of hate, and Vee, an abused young woman full of pain, the Boy begins to kill.

Accordingly, Psychiatrist Dr. Eve Rhodes is seconded to assist the police investigation into the Boy’s apparently random ritualistic killings. As the investigation gathers pace, a pattern emerges. When Eve pulls at the thread from an article in an old psychology journal, what might otherwise have seemed to her a terrible psychotic delusion now feels all too real…

On the positive side, will the Boy succeed in restoring the angel’s soul to the light? Can Eve stop him, or will she be lost to the realm of the Dark Chorus?

About the Author:

Ashley Meggitt lives near Cambridge, UK, with his wife,, Jane. He left school to join a psychedelic rock band when he realized that sex, drugs, and rock and roll were things. Subsequently, he went back to education and became head of IT for Cambridge University College. However, in recent years Ashley has retrained in psychology and is now an associate lecturer in sports psychology. He is studying for his Ph.D. He also holds an MA in Creative Writing. The Dark Chorus is his debut novel.

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The Dark Chorus Review:

Wow, “The Dark Chorus” was an eerie, beautiful, haunting tale that went in a completely unexpected direction and had me glued throughout.

The story is so unique and unlike anything, you would have read before. The author is genuinely creative in the way he has written this story. What starts as a simple story where you feel that the main character has a psychological issue soon turns into a gripping tale about soul catching, redemption, and revenge. The author introduces you to a bizarre world of Bursar, souls, vortex, “purgatio” drawings, and mesmerizing rituals.

The main character, the Boy, is one of those characters you won’t forget. He reminded me of Norman Bates from Psycho, but with a touch of humility and powers to catch souls. Moreover, he carries an aura of innocence yet doesn’t let others impact or affect his emotions. He, along with his newfound friends, Makka and Vee, drive the story. The author hooked me to the pages as the group seeks revenge on those who wronged them. Even Eve adds a nice dynamic to the tale. Although she is always one step behind the group, it was interesting reading her thoughts on the Boy.

While there are some intense, graphic scenes in the story, I wouldn’t classify this as horror. This book’s beauty is that the author puts in many emotions to the characters, that even those who are not a fan of the genre would enjoy reading.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and thought the author did a brilliant job for a debut novel. I look forward to reading his future works. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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The Dark Chorus

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