The Deptford Girls by Patricia McBride

The Deptford Girls

The Deptford Girls by Patricia McBride

Release: October 12, 2020
Publisher: Independently  Published
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
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A country at war. Friends in trouble. A fascist traitor. Stepping up can only lead Lily to danger.

Rescuing friends or spotting spies; Private Lily Baker always gets involved.

While London burns she looks out for workmates and girlfriends but also uncovers a web of deception at the Depot where she works.

When the ruthless suspect knows she’s closing in, she must act fast to unmask the traitor and save her friends, herself, and the brave soldiers overseas whose lives are at risk.

To list, The Deptford Girls is the fourth in the Lily Baker wartime series. Also  this heart-wrenching story features courage, friendship, betrayal, compelling characters, and a captivating plot.

If you like vivid stories that take you right into the world of the characters, you’ll love The Deptford Girls. Cuddle up with a cuppa and enjoy this exciting, warm-hearted read.

About the Author:

Patricia McBride lives in Cambridge, England and is the author of several self help books. Her first novel ‘Winner Takes All’ is gaining great reviews. She is currently working on a sequel.

In fact, Patricia became an author almost by accident. While she delivered an assertiveness training course for a publishing house , they asked her to write an assertiveness training pack for teachers. Though she had no idea whether she could write, the publishers assured her they could reword it if necessary. Fortunately, they didn’t seem to change anything and her writing has gone from strength to strength.

Patricia has also written for The Guardian, The Daily Express and several newspapers. Besides, she is finding writing a novel a very different challenge and hopes that people will enjoy her book.


The Deptford Girls  Review:

This book was sweet, charming, emotional and heartwarming.

What grabbed my interest is the issues each character faces and how they support each other. Edith worries about Sidney’s condition; Marion is pregnant and doesn’t know what to do with the baby; Ruth worries about her family; and Lily wonders of her feelings for Edward. The women support one another through their ordeals as they work at the depot for Air Raid Protection. In fact, I really liked Marion and Ruth’s story amongst them all. The scene where Ruth fights with Ms. Godfrey was epic! Similarly, reading Marion’s conflicting feelings over the baby was interesting. My heart went out to her when she sees her ex in a surprising situation.

Moreover, the author adds something new in each chapter that makes it mesmerizing. She packed some scenes with action, as the girls help people during the pandemonium of the parachute bombings, or Lily rescuing people from a train. Also, I liked the surprising supernatural touch the author included where the girls attend a séance by Vanessa. She takes the story in a very nice manner that holds your attention.

I have not read the previous books in the series but I had no trouble following this. However, having said that, I felt like Lily did not have much of a role. She is wonderful to help her friends, but she did not have any compelling story of her own. Additionally, I also liked Bronwyn a lot, but doesn’t appear much in the story either. Apart from that, this was a delightful story that made me want to read the previous books in the series.

Book Tour Schedule

The Deptford Girls

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Deptford Girls by Patricia McBride Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources.

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