The End of the Road by Anna Legat

The End of the Road

The End of the Road by Anna Legat

Release: June 17th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Crooked Cat Books
Source: Love Books Group
Find it at: Amazon, Kindle



The fight for survival has begun.

All-out war spins out of control, and it doesn’t discriminate. Governments fall, continents are obliterated, deadly viruses consume everything in their path, and what’s left of humanity is on the run. Caught in this global refugee crisis are a few unlikely survivors.

Tony, a philandering London lawyer, escapes the doomed city and his own murky past as he evacuates to the continent.

A hapless flock of Belgian nuns prays for a miracle as they watch their city turn to rubble.

Bella, a naïve teenager, thinks she is going on holiday when her father drags her across the globe to New Zealand.

Reggie, a loyal employee of a mining corporation, guards a hoard of diamonds in the African plains, fending off desperate looters.

Alyosha, a nuclear scientist, has been looking for the God-particle in Siberia, but now the world is at an end, he wishes to return home to Chernobyl.

A pair of orphaned children are cowering in the Tatra Mountains, fearing the sky will fall in on them.

Will they find an escape route before it is too late? Or are they doomed to fail?

About the Author:

Anna Legat is a Wiltshire-based author, best known for her DI Gillian Marsh murder mystery series. A globe-trotter and Jack-of-all-trades, Anna has been an attorney, legal adviser, a silver-service waitress, a school teacher and a librarian. She read law at the University of South Africa and Warsaw University, then gained teaching qualifications in New Zealand. Also, she has lived in far-flung places all over the world where she delighted in people-watching and collecting precious life experiences for her stories. Anna writes, reads, lives and breathes books and can no longer tell the difference between fact and fiction.

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The End of the Road Review:

In the author’s own words, reading this story made me feel like I was in “one of Stephen King’s spine-chilling novels”, and I really enjoyed it!

Firstly, the author did an lovely job of writing the story. She describes the events in such a grim and atmospheric manner that gave me goosebumps. With so many attacks and lives lost over the last few decades, it is not hard to visualize a catastrophic event like this happening, which is what makes it so scary and relatable. However, while the plot itself is very dark, the characters still adapt to the circumstances with a glimmer of hope. This is what I really loved about the story. The author highlights that no matter how dire the situation is, mankind always has hope to carry on.

The book splits into three parts, with three different story-lines that all connect to each other. My favorite was the second story with Alyosha and Kuba. Even though I disliked Amelia in this tale, I loved Kuba and his fascination for science. Also, I adored Alyosha and immersed in his quest to reunite with his wife. I also liked the third story with Reggie and Bella. Moreover, Bella balanced the tale with a bit of humor and light-hearted. However, even though the first story line with Agnes and Tony had potential, I really did not like Tony or Agnes. In fact, Agnes scared me with her violent streak. Also, there are some scenes which are overly described that sidetracks from the plot.

Overall, this is one of those stories that resonates in your mind after reading, and makes you appreciate life.

Book Tour Schedule

The End of the Road

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The End of the Road by Anna Legat Blog Tour hosted by Love Books Group.

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