The Forgotten Gift by Kathleen McGurl

The Forgotten Gift

The Forgotten Gift by Kathleen McGurl

Release: November 11th, 2020 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: HQ Digital
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon UK, Kindle, AudibleB&N.



So, what would you do to protect the ones you love?         

1861. George’s life changes forever the day he meets Lucy. She’s beautiful and charming, and he sees a future with her that his position as the second son in a wealthy family has never offered him. But when Lucy dies in a suspected poisoning days after rejecting George, he finds himself swept up into a murder investigation.  Without a doubt, George loved Lucy; he would never have harmed her. So who did?

Now.  Generally, on the surface, Cassie is happy with her life: a secure job, good friends, and a loving family. When a mysterious gift in a long-forgotten will leads her to a dark secret in her family’s history, she’s desperate to learn more. But the secrets in Cassie’s family aren’t all hidden in the past. And her research will soon lead her to a revelation much closer to home, and which will turn everything she knows on its head.

Discover a family’s darkest secrets today. Perfect for The Girl’s fans in the LetterThe Beekeeper’s Promise, and The Forgotten Village

About the Author:

Kathleen McGurl is a writer of dual timeline novels, in which a historical mystery is uncovered and resolved in the present day. She lives by the sea in Bournemouth with her husband and has two grown-up sons who have now moved out. After many years of working in IT for a large retail company, she has recently given up the day job and is now writing full time. Or at least writing novels in between having numerous holidays.

Her novels have been published by Carina UK and HQ (HarperCollins) and are available as ebooks from all online retailers. Some are also available as paperbacks and audiobooks. Click the novel titles above for more information and buy links for each book.

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The Forgotten Gift Review:

Secrets, scandals, and surprising reveals make “The Forgotten Gift” a superb book to read! The author narrates the story with two parallel arcs of different timelines. While they may initially feel disconnected, the author does an excellent job of connecting everything. 

Moreover, I loved the characters. Cassie is lovely in the role as she tries to figure out her family tree and learns a few surprises along the way that changes her life. I enjoyed the relationship she shares with her mother, Tony, and Andy. My favorite character, however, was George. I loved the way the author wrote Geroge and thought he was the highlight of the story. He is naive, charming, selfless, and just a wonderful person. He does his best to help everyone, even if he doesn’t know them well, like Pinkton. It was fascinating reading all the things he endured. There are quite a lot of surprises, and shocking reveals that changes his life. Even the supporting characters like Nathaniel Spring and Lucy add nicely to the story.

Also, I enjoyed the author’s style of writing. She wrote the story in a simple yet elegant manner that is easy and quick to read. I liked the way she sets the similarities between the challenges George and Cassie face. I would love to read some of the author’s previous works, as she is has a beautiful talent for writing dual storylines. 

Overall, “The Forgotten Gift” is a lovely contemporary tale that the reader can connect with, and one that I will not forget anytime soon. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Book Tour Schedule

The Forgotten Gift

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Forgotten Gift by Kathleen McGurl Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources

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