The Forgotten Girl

The Forgotten Girl by Daco Auffenorde

Release: July 17, 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Inkubator Books
Source: ZooloosBook Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon



She lost her memory. Now she might lose her life.

A beautiful woman wakes in a hospital bed, shackled and confused. She’s been in a coma for weeks. And can only remember her first name—Blue.

Blue learns she fell from a window on the fourth floor of a hotel. Did she jump? Or was she pushed? To discover the truth, Blue must figure out who she is and what she was doing in that hotel.

And she needs to do it fast. Because someone is out there, hunting Blue down, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Not knowing where to turn or who to trust, Blue must rely on her instincts to survive. Gradually, her memories return, and they’re darker than she could ever have imagined.

Will she put the pieces of her life back together before she’s silenced forever?

The Forgotten Girl – the gripping psychological thriller perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell, Alex Michaelides, and Freida McFadden.

About the Author:

Daco S. Auffenorde is an award-winning author of thriller and suspense stories. She’s discussed her books in multiple interviews, including Bob Kustra’s National Public Radio show Reader’s Corner and George R.R. Martin’s Jean Cocteau Cinema. The daughter of a physicist, Daco is a southern girl from Huntsville, Alabama (known as Rocket City for its role in building the rocket that took astronauts into space), who pens fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat tales that keep the reader guessing.

Daco holds a B.A. and M.A.S. from The University of Alabama in Huntsville and a J.D. from the Cumberland School of Law. She is a member of the International Thriller Writers, Mystery Writers of America, Alabama Writers’ Forum, Authors Guild, and Alabama State Bar. She enjoys long hikes, painting with watercolors, and hacking away at golf balls when she’s not writing or reading.

The Forgotten Girl is her first psychological thriller with Inkubator Books.

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The Forgotten Girl Review:

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“The Forgotten Girl” is a gripping suspense thriller that kept me guessing.

Wow! It’s been a while since I read a decent amnesia storyline, and this book did not disappoint. Stories that start with characters not remembering their past always grab my attention. As soon as the story begins, you see Blue wake up in the hospital, not knowing anything. Blue doesn’t even get a break because soon, some people try to attack her in the hospital under pretenses. As the story progresses, you are by Blue’s side as she tries to figure out what mess she was involved in and how she can get out of it. There are 60+ chapters in this book, yet each is short and bring something exciting to the tale. Examples are when Blue hears an intruder in her home or when men chase her in the stores and hospitals.

The author progresses the story wonderfully, where you feel like you cannot trust anything. Blue is great in the lead, and I thought the author wrote her realistically, as well as dramatic and exciting. I felt like I was by Blue’s side, constantly second-guessing who was telling the truth. I also liked Blue because of her mysterious past and was surprised at some things she could do under pressure. Moreover, the supporting characters like Lorraine, Deluca, and Stallworth were interesting because you see them helping Blue but don’t know their intentions. The story is fun, exciting, campy, suspenseful, and pretty much whatever I expected upon picking it up.

Overall, “The Forgotten Girl” is a wild, suspense thriller that keeps you guessing, and I would love to pick up some of the author’s previous works to read more!

Book Tour Schedule

The Forgotten Girl

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Forgotten Girl by Daco Auffenorde Blog Tour hosted by ZooloosBook Tours.



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