The Helm of Midnight by Marina J. Lostetter

The Helm of Midnight

The Helm of Midnight (The Five Penalties #1) by Marina J. Lostetter

Release: April 13th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Tor Books
Source: jeanbooknerd Tours
Find it at GoodreadsKindle, Amazon, AudibleB&N, TBD



A legendary serial killer stalks the streets of a fantastical city in The Helm of Midnight, the stunning first novel in a new trilogy from acclaimed author Marina Lostetter.

In a daring and deadly heist, thieves have made away with an artifact of terrible power, the death mask of Louis Charbon. Made by a master craftsman, it is imbued with the spirit of a monster from history, a serial murderer who terrorized the city with a series of gruesome murders.

Now Charbon is loose once more, killing from beyond the grave. But these murders are different from before. They are not simply random but the work of a deliberate mind probing for answers to a sinister question.

It is up to Krona Horvath and her fellow Regulators to enter the madness mind to stop this killer while facing the terrible truths left in his wake.

About the Author:

The open skies and dense forests of the Pacific Northwest are ideal for growing speculative fiction authors; at least Marina Lostetter would like to think so. Originally from Oregon, she now resides in Arkansas with her spouse, Alex.

In her spare time, she enjoys globetrotting, board games, and all things art-related. Her original short fiction has appeared in venues such as Lightspeed, Uncanny, and Shimmer Magazine. Marina’s debut novel, NOUMENON, and its sequels are available from Harper Voyager. Her first fantasy novel, THE HELM OF MIDNIGHT, is forthcoming from Tor. Besides, she has written tie-in materials for Star Citizen and the Aliens franchise. She is represented by DongWon Song of the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency.

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The Helm of Midnight Review:

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Oh my goodness! I don’t think a fantasy novel has emotionally drained me, but this is what “The Helm of Midnight” did for me. It is a beautiful, emotional, and suspenseful mammoth of a novel and an excellent start to The Five Penalties series.

The author did a beautiful job in narrating the tale. The world-building is fantastic, where you have vargs, cults, priests, mists, and magical masks (to name a few). The author also narrates the story in a detailed manner which makes you easily understand the world.

Similarly, the three main characters are memorable distinctively. When I started reading the perspectives, I felt disconnected from each other, as they take place in different timelines. Yet, the author seamlessly weaves them together towards the end, making it so good!

I enjoyed Krona’s storyline and the way she investigates Charbon’s mask.
I also loved her connection with Thibaut and thought they made a dynamic pair. The author also wrote her guilt realistically after what happens at the Jubilee, which impacts her relationship with De-lia. Likewise, Melanie was also memorable, and I enjoyed her plot with Sebastian.

My favorite, however, was Charbon’s storyline. The author wrote his emotions brilliantly, where we see his various emotions when he realizes his work’s implications. One of my favorite scenes is when he reunites with his wife Una after a few years. The ending to his storyline left me speechless.

The author progresses the story in a gradual yet effective manner where you get immersed completely. The climax left me speechless, and I cannot wait to read the next book! Overall, if you are looking for a compelling fantasy thriller, pick up “The Helm of Midnight” as it doesn’t disappoint!

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Book Tour Schedule:

The Helm of Midnight

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