The Jealousy of Jalice

The Jealousy of Jalice by Jesse Nolan Bailey

Release: May 19th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Independant Publisher
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, B&N, Indiebound



The Realms have split apart, the Stones of Elation have been hidden, and warnings of dokojin drift among the tribes.

The land and its people are corrupted. The Sachem, chief of the Unified Tribes, is to blame.

It is this conviction that drives Annilasia and Delilee to risk their lives. Afraid of the aether magic he wields, they enact a subtler scheme: kidnap his wife. In her place, Delilee will pretend to be the chieftess and spy on the Sachem.

Unaware of this plot against her husband, Jalice is whisked away by Annilasia. Pleading with her captor proves futile, and she rejects Annilasia’s delusional accusations against the chief. After all, the Sachem has brought peace to the land.

Yet a dangerous truth hides in Jalice’s past. As she and Annilasia flee through a forest of insidious threats, they must confront the evil plaguing the tribes and the events that unleashed it.

About the Author:

Enthralled by the magic that written stories contain, Jesse Nolan Bailey has always wanted to be an author. With his debut novel finally released to the masses, he can now claim such title with relief. He lives in Durham, North Carolina, where he has embraced the equally-gratifying lifework of hosting a trio of spoiled cats.

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The Jealousy of Jalice Review:

I loved reading this story and thought it was a wonderful start to the series.

There are many reasons why I enjoyed this book. The story started with a bang and immediately got my attention. The author jumps right into action as Annilasia and Delilee kidnap Jalice to protect her from the tribes. Initially you don’t know who is telling the truth and if the kidnappers are good or not.  But as the story progresses, you start to see Jalice get her memories, and we find out what really happened to Hydrim, Kerothan and her to cause the whole issue.

Moreover, the author progressed the characters in a very nice name. I thought Jalice was complex, because at times, I liked her and felt bad for her, but other times, I disliked her for the way she treated Annilasia. Also, what’s really nice is that the author gives equal important to all the main characters. For example, the scenes where Delilee goes to the Sachem to save her parents (and the strange tribe that kidnaps her), was tense and gripping.

Similarly, the author built the worlds also in a gripping manner. The author describes the characters and the locations (like Sachem’s temple and the Apparition Realm) in a vibrant way that makes the story fresh.

However, few issues were prominent. My main concern was how lengthy it got at times. At times it felt like the author over-described the scenes and went into minute details, which was not required. Also, there were some supporting characters I liked, like Korcsha (to be creepy and manipulative) and wished the character was prominent. Moreover, there are certain terms used which the author did not explain clearly.

But, overall, this was a delightful book to read and I am looking forward to the sequel.


Tour-wide giveaway (US only)

  • Hardback copy of The Jealousy of Jalice (signed by author)
  • Wooden bookmark
  • TJOJ bookmark
  • Bloodspill enamel pin
  • Art print of Flayer
  • TJOJ mousepad

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Book Tour Schedule

The Jealousy of Jalice

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Jealousy of Jalice by Jesse Nolan Bailey Blog Tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

September 14th
Adventures in Writing  >> Excerpt
forthenovellovers >> Review

September 15th
Through Novel Time & Distance >> Guest post
The Avid Reader >> Interview
Jessica Belmont >> Review

September 16th
breen.rb >> Review
The Reading Fairy >> Review
Ilovebooksandstuffblog >> Excerpt

September 17th
Jazzy Book Reviews >> Playlist
Rajiv’s Reviews >> Review

September 18th
Motif by Tanya >> Review
Beneath A Thousand Skies >> Review

September 21st
Jake is Reading >> Review
Rincón de Joss >> Interview

September 22nd
Books A-Brewin’  >> Excerpt
Bookriot >> Review

September 23rd
The Writer’s Alley >> Review
Natyreadsbooks >> Review

September 24th
Before we go blog >> Guest post
Teatime and Books >> Excerpt

September 25th
Cranky The Book Curmudgeon >> Review
Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author  >> Excerpt


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