The Limits of Limelight

The Limits of Limelight by Margaret Porter

Release: September 14, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Gallica Press 
Source: HFVirtual Book Tours
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Pretty Oklahoma teenager Helen Nichols accepts an invitation from her cousin, rising movie actress Ginger Rogers, and her Aunt Lela, to try her luck in motion pictures. Her relatives, convinced that her looks and personality will ensure success, provide her with a new name and help her land a contract with RKO. As Phyllis Fraser, she swiftly discovers that Depression-era Hollywood’s surface glamour and glitter obscure the  struggle of the hopeful starlet.

Lela Rogers, intensely devoted to her daughter and her niece, outwardly accepting of her stage mother label, is nonetheless determined to establish her reputation as screenwriter, stage director, and studio talent scout. For Phyllis, she’s an inspiring model of grit and persistence in an industry run by men.

While Ginger soars to the heights of stardom in musicals with Fred Astaire, Phyllis is tempted by a career more fulfilling than the one she was thrust into. Should she continue working in films, or devote herself to the profession she’s dreamed about since childhood? And which choice might lead her to the lasting love that seems so elusive?

About the Author:

MARGARET PORTER is the author of more than a dozen works of historical fiction, including The Limits of Limelight  and the award winning Beautiful Invention: A Novel of Hedy Lamarr. Her critically acclaimed novels have been translated into several foreign languages. Other writing credits include nonfiction, newspaper and magazine articles, and poetry.

She studied British history in the U.K. and afterwards worked professionally in theatre, film and television. Margaret and her husband live in New England with their dog, dividing their time between a book-filled house in a small city and a waterfront cottage located on one of the region’s largest lakes. When not writing, she keeps busy reading, tending her extensive rose gardens, or playing the mandolin.

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The Limits of Limelight Review:

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There was a time in my life where I loved watching classic black and white movies when I was growing up. I loved the era of James Stewart, Fred Astaire, and Bette Davis. The author does a beautiful job of bringing the Golden Age of Hollywood to life in the story. From Gershwin to Bing Crosby and Humphrey Bogart to Charlie Chaplin, I loved how the author used the backdrop of the movies on the character.

Although I had never heard of Phyllis Fraser, I found this story of her fascinating. The story made me research the actor’s life further, and I thought she led an exciting life. The author beautifully tells her life as she goes with Lela and Ginger and gets bit by the acting bug and the lavish lifestyle of Hollywood. Moreover, it was interesting to see how Phyllis also had ups and downs with her family, particularly Ginger and Lela.

The author also adds some shocking scenes to the tale. For instance, what happens to Peg or when Phyllis realizes her life doesn’t go as planned. Phyllis goes through a lot in the late, and what I loved is how the character matured. You see how her perspective of life changes over the course and how her priorities also change as she explores the world. I also enjoyed the scenes she shared with Bennett and Buddy.

What’s lovely about the book is how the author also gives importance to the supporting characters like Lela and Ginger. As a fan of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, I enjoyed reading more about their lives. Even the supporting characters like Anne and Peg were memorable.

Overall, if you are a fan of classic Hollywood and Historical fiction, you must read “The Limits of Limelight.”


During the Blog Tour, we are giving away some fabulous prizes!

Grand Prize Winner:

Choice of an autographed paperback or an ebook or an audiobook, plus an acrylic 16-oz sippy “go” cup with straw.

2nd and 3rd Prize Winners:

Choice of an autographed paperback or an ebook or an audiobook.

Runners-up (5):

Reproduction vintage Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire postcard, plus author-autographed bookplate.

The giveaway is open internationally and ends on October 6th. You must be 18 or older to enter.

The Limits of Limelight

Book Tour Schedule

The Limits of Limelight

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Limits of Limelight by Margaret Porter Blog Tour hosted by HFVirtual Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


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