The Memories We Bury

The Memories We Bury by H.A. Leuschel
Release: April 17th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: EKT Selection Ltd
Source: R&R Book Tours


An emotionally charged and captivating novel about the complexities of female friendship and motherhood.

Lizzie Thomson has landed her first job as a music teacher, and has a whirlwind romance with Markus. The newlywed couple move into a beautiful new home in the outskirts of Edinburgh. Lizzie quickly befriends their neighbour Morag, an elderly, resourceful yet lonely widow, who’s own children rarely visit her. Moreover, everything seems perfect in Lizzie’s life until she finds out she is pregnant and her relationship with both Morag and Markus change beyond her control.

Can Lizzie really trust Morag and why is Markus keeping secrets from her?

In ‘The Memories We Bury’ the author explores the dangerous bonds we can create with strangers and how past memories can cast long shadows over the present.

About the Author:The Memories We Bury

Helene Andrea Leuschel gained a Master in Journalism & Communication, which led to a career in radio and television in Brussels, London and Edinburgh. She later acquired a Master in Philosophy, specializing in the study of the mind. Also, Helene has a particular interest in emotional, psychological and social well-being and this led her to write her first novel, Manipulated Lives, a fictional collection of five novellas, each highlighting the dangers of interacting with narcissists. She lives with her husband and two children in Portugal.

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The Memories We Bury Review

What a delightful, eerier, atmospheric story! It’s a simple, yet gripping psychological thriller about how someone you love and trust can manipulate your life.

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The main highlight of the story is the two main characters, Lizzie and Morag. The author has written both of them in such a complex manner. However, my favorite character was Morag. Even though you know she how unpredictable she is, you still feel sorry for her at times. Moreover, the author keeps you second guessing as to whether she is trustworthy or not. At times, At times I believed Aileen’s side of the events, but at times, I also believed Morag’s version. Lizzie is also beautifully written. As an introvert and a bit of a pushover, I could relate to her. To be honest, it’s difficult standing up for what’s right when you have overbearing personalities controlling you. I loved how the author portrayed her. 

However, the only criticism I have is I was expecting more twists and turns. I am not giving away spoilers, but I felt like the story-line resolved pretty early, and was expecting a shocking twist towards the end. I also felt like Markus was not clearly defined. He feels like a different character between beginning and end of the story, but no explanation provided on the change. Also, there are story-line with the mysterious letters and calls that Markus receives. Even though there is an explanation provided, it seemed weak and I still suspected him. Consequently, Markus and his story-line is pushed to the side and hardly seen in the second half. I wished we had resolution on his character as well.

But, apart from that, this book was perfect! Overall, I would encourage anyone to read “The Memories we Bury” if you are looking for a nice psychological thriller.


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The Memories We Bury

Today I am thrilled to share with you all, H.A. Leuschel’s latest novel, The Memories We Bury, “An emotionally charged and captivating novel about the complexities of female friendship and motherhood.”

From June 29th to July 5th, you can purchase her book for ONLY $0.99 on Amazon! You can also try to win a digital copy of The Memories We Bury by entering the giveaway below!

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