The Momentous Expiration of Tremmy Sinclair

The Momentous Expiration of Tremmy Sinclair by Michael F. Stewart

Release: June 14th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: The Publishing House
Source:  Author
Find it at Goodreads



Seventeen years old. Rich. Hot. Captain of the Drone War team. Head prefect of a surreally elite boarding school.

Rich and privileged boys in a private boarding school. All jerks. And one of them is dying. Tremmy just found out he has a brain tumor and has only 4 to 6 months left. But like Tremmy says: A minefield exists between now and natural death. Blindness, incontinence, seizures, dementia, pain, pain, pain.

Then, his illness strips everything from him, including the support of his teachers and friends who once nurtured his bright future. Worst of all, his best friend’s meteoric rise has come at the expense of Tremmy’s spectacular fall. Far from going out with the bang he’d hoped for, Tremmy faces betrayal.

But his illness has the power to expose the best and the worst of his school, his friends, and himself. Tremmy sets out to prove that the community he loves has to overcome its fear of death to begin to live truly. And Tremmy receives the momentous end he so fervently desires.

This is upper YA, 16+, due to profanity and mature themes. It contains subjects such as suicide, death, illness, medical assistance in dying, sexual assault, and racism. These elements are core to the story, not gratuitous, and approached carefully, but they are there.

About the Author:

Michael F. Stewart is an award-winning author of many books for young people in various genres, including Ray Vs. the Meaning of Life, Heart Sister, and the forthcoming The Momentous Expiration of Tremmy Sinclair. (Summer 2021). Also, Michael lives in Ottawa.

To learn more about Michael and his next projects, visit his website at or connect via Twitter @MichaelFStewart. 

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The Momentous Expiration of Tremmy Sinclair Review:

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Firstly, I enjoyed the author’s previous story, “Heart Sister,” and this “The Momentous Expiration of Tremmy Sinclair” did not disappoint. It isn’t easy reading the author’s novels without shedding a tear. The author carefully and realistically highlights an essential topic on what a young person would do if he knew he only had a few months to live. It is not a topic that you generally read in young adult novels, and I appreciated how the author approached it.

The characters and their conversations make the book stand out. The characters share deep conversations and dialogues, sometimes about important things in life and questions which don’t have answers. When you read the book, you will also ponder about the various topics, like being a hero or the concept of heaven, and wonder what you would do if you were in Tremmy’s situation. Tremmy is realistic, and it was interesting to read all the emotions he goes through.

Some parts that stood out in the tale are when he receives the video and realizes that someone recorded his argument with Margot and rushes to the chapel. Speaking of which, I adored Tremmy’s conversations with Margot. Even though they compete, Margot and Tremmy shared a special bond that made the story worthwhile. Similarly, I also found Tremmy’s friendship with Jenkins fascinating. The two of them have their ups and downs, and I wondered if their friendship would survive throughout the story. Also, Audra and Jodie are memorable. On a side note, I also loved the topic of discussions Mr. Pascale has in the class, and also disliked the Headmaster. 

Overall, I thought the author beautifully wrote “The Momentous Expiration of Tremmy Sinclair,” and it is worth reading.


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