The Mutant Mushroom Takeover

The Mutant Mushroom Takeover

The Mutant Mushroom Takeover by Summer Rachel Short

Release: September 22nd, 2020
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Simon & Schuster for Young Readers
Source: Author
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



Magnolia Stone’s scientist dad left Shady Pines to find a new job. Ever since,  Maggie remained  in her gramma’s mobile home with her grumpy older brother Ezra. Now she’s on a mission to put her family back together by winning the Vitaccino Junior Naturalist Merit Award.

Her best friend, Nate is an aspiring  YouTube star and alien conspiracy theorist.  Then, both of them explore a rare glow in the dark fungus, Maggie is certain she’s a shoo-in to win. But after animals around town start sprouting unusual growths and Ezra develops a bluish glow and hacking cough, Maggie wonders what they’ve really stumbled onto.

As things in Shady Pines become stranger and more dangerous, and conversations with her dad get complicated, Maggie must use her scientific smarts and Nate’s impressive knowledge of all things spooky to put things back in order and prevent these peculiar glowing mushrooms from taking over their home.

About the Author:

Summer lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and a Maine coon cat named Emme. Before spinning tales about mutant mushrooms, she once worked as a science reporter for her university’s newspaper. There she wrote on topics like nanotech tweezers, poultry farm pollution, and the nighttime habits of spiders and snakes.

Besides, She enjoys exploring new places with the family, playing tennis, and dreaming up ideas for her next book.

Her debut novel, THE MUTANT MUSHROOM TAKEOVER releases from Simon & Schuster fall 2020.

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The Mutant Mushroom Takeover Review:

I loved reading “The Mutant Mushroom Takeover” and thought it was a fantastic Middle-Grade mystery adventure! Think “Stranger Things” meets “X-Files” in a middle-grade genre, and this is your book! 

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Let me begin by saying that a book is always extra special when I learn something new from it. Even though the story is a mystery, I learned quite a lot of nature facts. For instance, Ophiocordyceps is an actual fungus! The story inspired me to research the various forms of bioluminescent fungi, and I found it fascinating. 

Mags is perfect in the lead. She is a geeky, aspiring scientist and Naturalist. She is curious and passionate to learn new things and determined to win the award to fix her family. Also, she and Nate share a wonderful friendship. I loved Nate and thought he was hilarious with his dialogues. Even Gramma and Ezra add nicely to the story. Similarly, Albert and the Crofts make for devious villains. Honestly, Albert is probably one of the strangest characters I have read in the genre of late, and I wouldn’t mind reading his backstory in a future novel. 

Moreover, the author also paced the story so well that it kept me glued to the pages. The storyline is just perfect and something that a reader of any age would enjoy. I knew I was in for a treat as soon as Old Man Bell meets the kids, and it just gets better from there. Some moments creeped me out even as an adult, like when Mac chases the duo or when Mags realizes that Nate might be in trouble. The story keeps building up to an exciting climax that ends satisfyingly. 

Overall, I thought this book was excellent, and I recommend it to anyone who loves a good, creepy, middle-grade mystery novel. 

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