The Next Great Jane by K.L. Going

The Next Great Jane

The Next Great Jane by K.L. Going
Release: May 19th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Kathy Dawson Books
Source: Amazon


Jane Brannen wants nothing more than to become a famous author like Jane Austen–she just needs to figure out the key to literary success! Her chance to uncover the secret arrives when famous author J. E. Fairfax visits the tiny lobster town of Whickett Harbor, Maine. Unfortunately, a hurricane rolls in and Jane gets stuck with the author’s snobbish son, Devon, instead. But when the skies clear, Jane realizes the wind has blown in something worse than annoying boys: Her mother, Susan, and Susan’s new fiancé, Erik, have flown all the way from Hollywood to file for custody and bring Jane back to California. Now she needs to find a mate for her marine biologist father and figure out what’s truly important about Whickett Harbor, so she can prove to her mother that this is where she’s meant to stay.

The Next Great Jane Review:

This was such a cute story! As a fan of Jane Austen’s work, I loved how the author incorporated some themes from Austin’s novels into this book. The main reason this story works is because it focuses more on character’s personalities instead of the plot, similar to Austen’s novels.

The author wrote the characters very well!I loved Jane as the main character. She is complex and vulnerable, yet head strong to succeed. I loved her friendship with Devon as well. Devon and Jane reminded me of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice, and Jane’s date reminded me of Mr. Woodstock from Emma. Susan, Jane’s mother is also one of those character you just love to hate. Erik is hilarious and gave a humorous spin to the story.

Another reason why I really liked this story was on the interesting information provided on marine ecosystems. I had no any idea about plankton and how vital they are for our environment, until I read this book. I really wish that the author wrote my science books as well when I was in school because she makes science sound so interesting by highlighting the important of why they are important and what would happen without them.

The only criticism I have for the story is in the details. I wished it had been longer. Even after reading the story, I feel like we didn’t get to know any of the characters very well except Jane and her father. I wished we knew more about Devon at least, if not any of the other characters. Moreover, I also thought Ana was very complex who we don’t get to know.

Apart from that, I really enjoyed reading “The Next Big Jane” I know Jane Austin enthusiasts would also enjoy reading it.

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