The Next Ship Home: A Novel of Ellis Island

 Next Ship Home
The Next Ship Home by Heather Webb

Release:February 8, 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark
Source: Suzy approved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N


A young Italian woman arrives on the shores of America, her sights set on a better life. That same day, a young American woman reports to her first day of work at the immigration center. But Ellis Island isn’t a refuge for Francesca or Alma, not when ships depart every day with those who are refused entry to the country and when corruption ripples through every corridor. While Francesca resorts to desperate measures to ensure she will make it off the island, Alma fights for her dreams of becoming a translator, even as women are denied the chance.

As the two women face the misdeeds of a system known to manipulate and abuse immigrants searching for new hope in America, they form an unlikely friendship—and share a terrible secret—altering their fates and the lives of the immigrants who come after them.

Inspired by true events and for fans of Kristina McMorris and Hazel Gaynor, The Next Ship Home holds up a mirror to our own times, deftly questioning America’s history of prejudice and exclusion while also reminding us of our citizens’ singular determination. 

About the Author:

Heather Webb is the USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of seven historical novels. In 2015, Rodin’s Lover was a Goodread’s Top Pick, and in 2018, Last Christmas in Paris won the Women’s Fiction Writers Association STAR Award. Meet Me in Monaco, was selected as a finalist for the 2020 Goldsboro RNA award in the UK, as well as the 2019 Digital Book World’s Fiction prize. To date, Heather’s books have been translated to over a dozen languages.  She lives in New England with her family and one feisty rabbit.

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The Secret Next Door Review:

Firstly, I must commend the author for the research and details added to the story. From the descriptions, it is easy to make out that the author researched a lot about Ellis Island and New York and the immigrants during that time. The author beautifully incorporates this in her tale as we see how the characters adapt to their situations. Moreover, I loved the snippets of news articles the author inserted, like the ones of President Roosevelt, that gave the story an authentic feel. Reading this book inspired me to read more on the topic, which I found fascinating. The author even touches on extorting and selling immigrants, and some scenes were hard to imagine.

Moreover, the lead characters are lovely, and I was rooting for both Alma and Francesa. The two of them share a wonderful friendship right from the time they meet. Both of them face their struggles, where Alma lives under the shadow of her parents and has to be with John Lambert but wants to live her own life. You slowly see how she gains the confidence to make a change when she hears of the harassment of immigrants and wants to make a difference in Ellis Island.

Similarly, I loved Francesa and the new life our protagonist has to lead with the Lancasters. I loved Francesa throughout the tale, and she was my favorite character. You can see how she aspires and dreams for a better future and is hopeful, even if the present situation doesn’t feel like it. Some scenes that stood out for me were when Francesca reacts to Maria or when they have to deal with the inspectors.

Overall, I loved reading “The Next Ship Home” and found it gripping historical fiction.

Tour Schedule: 

 Next Ship Home

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Next Ship Home by Heather Webb Blog Tour hosted by Suzy approved Book Tours


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