The Night Nurse

The Night Nurse by Cole Baxter

Release: November 27th 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Inkubator Books
Source: Zooloo’s Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle



They seem like angels of mercy. Until you invite them in. While going through a bitter divorce, Laura moves home to care for her widowed father who
suffers from dementia. Quickly realizing she can’t handle her dad alone, Laura hires nurse Bella and her dementia- specialist brother, Andrei, to look after him. The siblings are the perfect caregivers, effectively handling her father’s needs and mood swings.
Then accidents begin happening around the estate, and her dad takes a drastic turn for the worse. He becomes violent and claims he’s being poisoned. Is it true? Or is his illness causing paranoia?

As Laura tries to get to the truth, she begins to realize that the caregivers are not who they seem, that they may have a sinister agenda of their own. But who are they really? And what do they want? The answers to these questions are more horrifying than anything Laura could ever have imagined…

About the Author:

The Night Nurse

Cole Baxter loves writing psychological suspense thrillers. It’s all about that last reveal that he loves shocking readers with.
He grew up in New York, where there’s crime was all around. He decided to turn that into something positive with his fiction.
His stories will have you reading through the night—they are very addictive!

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The Night Nurse Review:

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I recently read “I Won’t Let Go” by the author and loved that book. It was one of the few stories that gave me nightmares! Hence, I had high expectations for “The Night Nurse” as the premise sounded like something I would enjoy. While I liked “The Night Nurse,” it didn’t shock me as some of the author’s previous works did.

There are some lovely elements to the story. For one, Laura and Sam’s friendship was one of the highlights, and I liked how they bonded. Moreover, Bella and Andrei were creepy, and I didn’t particularly appreciate it when they started showing their true colors.

Laura is fun in the lead and has her moments, primarily when interacting with Bella and Andrei. I also enjoyed the strained relationship between Billy and Laura. The author also adds some exciting moments when Angela comes into the picture and shows us flashbacks of how abusive Laura’s mother was with them. The author details the character relationship nicely, giving them depth and making me like Laura.

However, while I enjoyed the character moments, the author could have added more thrills and suspense. I wish that there were more twists and turns in the tale. The story takes time to get going, as the author adds quite a few details that I found unnecessary. The thriller elements come into place around 50% of the book, and it would have been nice to see more shocks. Moreover, in such books, I expected a shocking twist in the end, and the book didn’t end the way I had expected.

Nevertheless, “The Night Nurse” is a decent thriller, but not the best of the author.

Book Tour Schedule

The Night Nurse

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Night Nurse by Cole Baxter Blog Tour hosted by Zooloo’s Book Tours.

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