The Other Couple

The Other Couple by Cathryn Grant

Release: December 6th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Inkubator Books
Source: Damppebbles blog Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon.



They planned a dream vacation. They got a trip to hell.

Maggie and Brad are on vacation at Lake Tahoe when they meet another couple, Skye and Joe. The four-hit it off so well that Maggie invites their new friends to share her beautiful lakeside rental.

What she doesn’t realize is Skye and Joe aren’t just some random couple. They have been watching Maggie and Brad, have chosen them carefully….

And now, when they discover that Maggie has a secret that could destroy her marriage, they start turning the screws, pushing their own sinister agenda. But have they chosen their victim wisely? Or does Maggie also have a dark side?

As the pressure builds, what should have been a dream vacation begins to look more like the inner circle of hell. Before it’s overall, four will be changed forever – and at least one of them will be dead…

About the Author:

Cathryn Grant writes psychological thrillers, psychological suspense, and ghost stories. She’s the author of twenty-three novels.

She’s loved crime fiction all her life and is endlessly fascinated by the twists and turns and the dark corners of the human mind.

When she’s not writing, Cathryn reads fiction, eavesdrops, and tries to play golf without hitting her ball into the sand or the water. She lives on the Central California coast with her husband and two cats.

Cathryn is the author of The Good Mother, The Assistant, and other psychological thrillers. The Other Couple will be Cathryn’s fifth novel with Inkubator books.

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The Other Couple  Review:

“The Other Couple” is an addictive psychological thriller surrounding four people and how their time together leads to blackmail and murder.

The author knows how to make the characters personal to the reader. She alternates the story between the four perspectives, which keeps the plot fresh. Moreover, I also liked the snippet entries of Brad’s blog and the responses/comments he gets to those posts. While you don’t feel like this is essential initially, the author puts them for a reason, which you realize at the end. 

Moreover, the storyline and the characters intrigued me. It was gripping to see how each of the characters reacted to various situations. Poor Maggie! I thought she was the most enigmatic character in the tale. On the one hand, she stresses about her relationship with Brad, and then she also has to deal with Joe and Skye. I also liked the angle of Maggie and Darren.

Similarly, Skye is also strange and intriguing. The author wrote her well because you don’t know what her intentions are. At times, she is indifferent to the character, and sometimes, she is overly friendly with them. At the same time, Joe is one character you love to hate. Brad is the person you feel sorry for in the story, and I felt empathetic towards him. 

Furthermore, the author maintains the pacing very nicely, where you don’t know what will happen to the characters. However, there were some minor parts that I felt were a bit off. For instance, why would Maggie and Brad keep Skye even after Joe went missing? They don’t even know her that well and should have suspected something was not right. 

But, apart from that, I enjoyed reading this book. Overall, “The Other Couple” is a gripping psychological thriller that I enjoyed reading. 

Book Tour Schedule

The Other Couple

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Other Couple by Cathryn Grant Blog Tour hosted by Damppebbles blog Tours

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