The Palace by Allie McCormack

The Palace

When Darkness Falls Book I: The Palace by Allie McCormack

Release: June 3rd, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Allie McCormack
Source: RABT Book Tours
Find it at Goodreads, Amazon, iBooks, B&N, Google Play, Kobo.



Ruled by a gracious, wise Sultana, the humans of the great desert city of Al Khair dwell in uneasy peace with the vampires and demons. They claim the lands as their ancestral homelands under the leadership of an ancient, powerful vampire. Their shaky truce becomes strained when a young human woman arrives from distant lands.

Orphaned since childhood and outcast, Alyssa joins a caravan to the fabled Al Khair. There she seeks only to make a new life for herself. A life that quickly becomes complicated when she draws the attention of the Dark Lord himself.

A thousand years ago, Lord Damien permitted humans to build their cities. When he senses a new, mighty magical being in the land, Damien suspects the humans plotting to overthrow him. Furious, he searches for the source of this power, but he cannot stop thinking of the young woman in the tower who had seen through his glamour spell that cloaks him from humans.

When he discovers that Alyssa is the mysterious being he has been seeking, his determination to have her for his own threatens to pit the two races, human and vampire, against each other in an all-out war.

Please note, this is a trilogy! Books 1 & 2 have cliffhangers and are not meant to be read out of order.

About the Author:

A former career medical transcriptionist and disabled Veteran, Allie McCormack is now writing from home full-time. Allie has traveled quite a bit and lived many places all over the U.S., and also a year in Cairo, Egypt as an exchange student, and a year in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under contract to a hospital there, plus a short stint with NATO while she was in the Army. She now lives in beautiful southern California with her family and her two rescue cats. 

Allie says: “A writer is who and what I am… a romance writer. I write what I know, and what I know is romance. Dozens of storylines and literally hundreds of characters live and breathe within the not-so-narrow confines of my imagination. It is my joy and privilege to bring them to life, to share them with others by writing their stories.”

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The Palace Review:

“The Palace” is an intriguing fantasy novel filled with magic, mystery, and Arabian culture that made it fun to read.

Firstly, I enjoyed the way the author told the story. Reading this book made me feel like I was reliving a magical version of Arabian Nights. The terms and details the author put in made it feel very authentic.

Secondly, I thought Alyssa was lovely in the lead. She is optimistic, hopeful, bright, and is willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. I also enjoyed Alyssa’s friendship with Remi and found it one of the story’s highlights. I also liked the supporting characters like Lady Miriam and Malikai.

Thirdly, I also enjoyed world-building. There are a wide variety of characters, from Witches and Vampires to Djinns and other creatures. I enjoyed the scenes where Remi gives a briefing about them to Alyssa as it made me understand the City of Al Khair better.

However, the story paces a bit slowly at times, particularly concerning Lord Damien. There is not much that progresses with his story, as most of the time, he senses a new presence and talks to his colleagues to find out more. It would have been nice if he had more action in his tale. His role gets interesting only towards the very end, when the story ends in a cliffhanger.

Overall, I thought “The Palace” was an exciting start to the “When Darkness Falls” series, and eager to see how it continues.

Book Blitz-3rd June

The Palace

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Palace by Allie McCormack Blog Tour hosted by RABT Book Tours



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