The Power of Piggie Bear by Mara James

The power of Piggie Bear

The Power of Piggie Bear by Mara James, Matthew Mew

Release: March 2, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Brown Books Kids
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, B&N, TBD,



Extraordinary Lives Foundation Founder and CEO Mara James release her debut children’s picture book to promote Mental Health Awareness and Wellness!

Do you ever feel sad, lonely, or worried? What about angry or scared? These feelings can be hard to feel, can’t they? It would be much easier to feel happy all the time! But everyone feels these ways sometimes, and it’s nothing to be scared or worried about. As long as you know helpful ways to handle your feelings, everything will be OK! And that is what Piggie Bear is for! Besides, Piggie Bear shows children everywhere just how amazing they are, everyone. And Piggie Bear also shows children different techniques they can use to work through hard to feel and understand emotions. In short, The Power of Piggie Bear is an important emotional tool created for young children to learn how to identify, process, and healthily manage their own feelings.

About Mara James:

Originally from New York, Mara James relocated to California with her husband and three children in 2007. They also established Dr. James’s OBGYN practice, and for seven years, Mara managed the busy office. Then, in 2014, Mara unexpectedly experienced a manic episode and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Through her battle with mental health, many wellness professionals helped Mara heal and transform her life. As a result, Mara established the Extraordinary Lives Foundation and created Piggie Bear to promote mental health awareness. And to provide both children and their parents with the resources needed to pursue holistic wellness. Mara lives with her family in Orange County, California.

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About the Illustrator Mathew Mew:

Matthew Mew has been working with children’s books and materials as an author and illustrator for over thirty-five years. After graduating from UCLA with a degree in design, he worked for six years as a character illustrator in the Disneyland Creative Services Department. Also, for the past thirty years, he has been a freelancer, designing and illustrating children’s products and print media for large and small companies.

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The Power of Piggie Bear Review:

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I adored “The Power of Piggie Bear”! It is one of those picture books that I feel even adults would read and learn something.

The main reason why I loved this story is because of its positive message. It is a beautiful book that makes you feel good about yourself. Moreover, the author provides tips on what you can do if you are ever feeling moody, from hugging yourself to deep breathing exercises. If people followed some of these principles, I think all of us would thrive better in reality. I loved how she portrays the reader to love yourself no matter what! These are proven examples that even adults can do to make themselves feel better, and I love how the author delivered these messages to children at a young age.

Moreover, the author also makes the story challenging for kids. For example, the initial pages have a game where the young reader searches for where Piggie is hiding in the pages. Similarly, the author also tells the story in an interactive manner where the child exhibits conversing with the characters. I can easily see this book turning into a series, where the author impacts many more positive messages. The illustrations are also adorable, with each page in contrasting colors that appeal to the reader. I also liked the sections where the author tells you are terrific, irrespective of whether you look like a pig or a bear!

Hence, kudos to the author for executing such a beautiful children’s picture book. Overall, “The Power of Piggie Bear” is an exceptional children’s picture book that I would recommend to parents to buy for their child.



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The power of Piggie Bear

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Power of Piggie Bear by Mara James, Matthew Mew Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:

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Week Two:
Little Red Reads-Review-5-10-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-5-11-2021
two points of interest-Review-5-14-2021

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