
The Psychic’s Memoirs (Terrafide #2) by Ryan Hyatt

Release: July 30th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Kindle Direct Publishing
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle.



LAPD Detective Ted Kaza lives alone and on therapy for anger management issues. His partner Lydia Jackson has her own issues with her career and a spoiled fiancee. Both of them are complete opposites as well as struggling in their personal lives. But at the same time, they are dedicated to their profession.

Meanwhile, the world is passing through Chaos and unexpected atrocities. There is also the anticipation for civil war. Now the only hope to restore humanity is Alice. Alice Walker is a  high-school girl who correctly and very publicly predicted the earthquake in Los Angeles. She is a  17 yrs old who helps restore humanity with a doctor’s help while passing through much pain and anguish.

Ted Kaza and  Lydia Johnson are given a new assignment in post-Quake-ravaged Los Angeles to find Alice Walker and seek help to restore peace and humanity. There are hints and rumors of hope wrapped in a mystery around a teenage girl who may or may not have the ability to change the world. To achieve this, they had to pass through horrendous trials and tribulations, not only that they had to remain persistent as well resilient.

Hyatt’s characters struggle to find and feed their needs and desires as chaos swirls. 

About the Author:

Ryan Hyatt was born in Tucson in 1976. He was raised in Phoenix, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Copenhagen and later graduated from the University of Arizona in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in history, psychology, and creative writing. Hyatt worked as a reporter and columnist for newspapers such as the Apache Junction Independent and Santa Monica Daily Press. In addition to the Terrified series, he is the author of the modern western, The Death of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Besides, he is the editor of the satirical sci-fi news site, The La-La Lander, and Not Your Father’s Bedtime Stories, children’s tales. He holds a master’s degree in education from California State University Northridge and develops and manages literacy intervention programs for Los Angeles schools. 

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The Psychic’s Memoirs Review:

Oh, my goodness! What did I just read? The Psychic’s Memoirs is a paranormal, science-fiction rollercoaster of a ride, and so entertaining.

Initially, the story starts as a simple investigation where Jackson and Kaza investigate Alice’s whereabouts, who predicted an Earthquake before taking place. What begins as a simple story turns into a giant conspiracy featuring psychic teens, alien abduction, and Liberator Robots. I could not put this book down!

Even though I have not read the first book, I had no trouble reading this as a standalone. The story is so out there that there was something in each chapter that engrossed me. I loved the moments of Kaza living a parallel life through Simon’s dreams in the same environment. Similarly, I got glued to the pages where Jackon thinks she sees her future in Alice’s notebook. As the plot progresses, the author introduces more dynamic characters like Che Tay, Elroy, Alice, Melissa, TJ, and Logan.

Similarly, I also enjoyed the way the author described a futuristic Los Angeles of 2026. He paints a rather grim yet advanced picture of society. I enjoyed the debates and viewpoints of Newman and his students about China and the Soviet Union. The world also creeps and unnerves you because it is a society that could soon materialize. Kudos to the author to weave such an intricate plot with many characters, subplots, and details.

Overall, this is a crazy yet memorable and very entertaining book. I will be reading the first book to see the events that precede this and how it connects.

Giveaway Details:

3 lucky winners will receive a finished copy of THE PSYCHIC’S MEMOIRS, US Only.

3 lucky winners will receive an eBook of THE PSYCHIC’S MEMOIRS, International.

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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Psychic’s Memoirs by Ryan Hyatt Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule
Week One:

Jaime’s World-Guest Post-10-19-2020
Lisa-Queen of Random-Guest Post-10-19-2020
Two Chicks on Books-Interview-10-20-2020
JaimeRockstarBookTours-Instagram Stop-10-20-2020
Bookhounds -Interview-10-21-2020
BookHounds-Instagram Stop-10-21-2020
A Dream Within A Dream -Guest Post-10-22-2020
A Dream Within A Dream -Instagram Stop-10-22-2020
TMA Corbett Tries To Write-Guest Post-10-23-2020

Week Two:

Books A-Brewin’-Excerpt-10-26-2020
Books A-Brewin’-Instagram Stop-10-26-2020
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-10-27-2020
Rajiv’s Reviews-Instagram Stop-10-27-2020
Little Read Riding Hood-Review-10-28-2020
littlereadhood-Instagram Stop-10-28-2020
Lifestyle of Me-Review-10-29-2020
Pine Enshrined Reviews-Review-10-30-2020
Jotted by Jena-Guest Post-10-30-2020

One Comment

  1. Glad you enjoyed the book, Rajiv! All three novels in the Terrafide series are set in the same universe with loosely connected characters and events. Good to know you had no trouble jumping into this one, and thank you for your thoughtful review!

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