The Quest For Psyche by Beth C. Greenberg

The Quest For Psyche

The Quest For Psyche by Beth C. Greenberg

Release: February 8, 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Isotopia Publishing
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



The God of Love is a mess.

Heartbroken and unmoored after losing Pan to his Right Love, Cupid knows the only cure is the next all-consuming love the gods will inflict on him. When Aphrodite refuses to hasten Cupid’s next torment, he resorts to a very human approach to relieving his misery – therapy.

His online sessions seem to be working until Dr. Mariposa Rey mysteriously cuts him off. Sensing she needs his help, Cupid sets out on a cross-country adventure to Lake Tahoe, where his heart will be inflamed for one last Worthy. What Cupid doesn’t know is that this fourth test will be his one and only chance at Right Love.

With the ancient myth of Cupid and Psyche as his guide, Cupid attempts the impossible – a happily eternally after with his reluctant soul mate.

About the Author:

Beth C. Greenberg is a former CPA who stepped through the portal of flash (1000-word) fiction into the magical world of creative writing and never looked back. Raised in the Midwest, Beth now lives in a quiet suburb of Boston, where she and her husband are occasionally visited by their daughter and grand-dog Slim. Into the Quiet is book two of the Cupid’s Fall series.


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The Quest For Psyche Review:

I have followed the series from the first book, and I adore this. I thought the series would get over in the second book, but we needed a fourth to complete Q’s storyline.

Reading this series is like being comforted by a cozy blanket; it just makes you feel warm and good. The author touches all the correct elements, and we revisit the drama between Pan and Cupid. Cupid shines in the role again as he tries to settle down and find love. Similarly, Posey is also adorable as the newbie who feels for Q. I loved the connection between Cupid and Posey and thought the author did an excellent job bringing them together. We also revisit the supporting cast like Aphrodite, and I enjoyed her storyline with Ares and Hephaestus.

Some of my favorite parts of the story were when Q and Posey have their first professional chat or when he meets her and hears her heartbeat and learns she is his following Worthy. What’s nice is how protective Q gets with Posey and how he is close with Reed and Pan to help him with his journey.

Perhaps the only downside to the tale was Pan hardly had anything going on. I adore Pan, and it felt as though all we got was his domestic life with Reed. While I also enjoyed the cute scenes Pan and Reed share, I wished there was more for Pan. Even Reed’s storyline with Mercury had more going than Pan’s.

Overall, I enjoyed reading “The Quest For Psyche” and thought it was a charming addition to the series.


The Quest For Psyche

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Quest For Psyche by Beth C. Greenberg Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours

Book Tour Schedule

Dani Reads-Feb. 2nd
Lindas Book Obsession-Feb. 3rd
Nurse Bookie-Feb. 7th
The Mary Reader-Feb. 7th
Joannas Bookshelf-Feb. 8th
Jayme Reads-Feb. 9th
Noor The Bookworm-Feb. 11th
Bookworm Struggles -Feb. 11th
Bookish Heidi-Feb. 14th
Books Love And Understanding-Feb. 14th
Subakka Bookstuff-Feb. 14th
Geaux Get Lit-Feb. 14th
Bookoholic Cafe-Feb. 14th
Rozier Reads and Wine-Feb. 17th
Rajivs Reviews-Feb. 20th

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