The Romance Novel Formula by A.K. Leigh

The Romance Novel Formula

The Romance Novel Formula by A.K. Leigh

Release: December 7, 2021
Format: Paperback, eBook
Publisher: A.K. Leigh
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Is there a secret formula for writing a successful romance novel?

The Romance Novel Formula is backed by research and professional expertise. And it  provides everything you need to take you from idea to first draft of your breakout romance novel.

Join best selling romance author and academic researcher, Alicia Leigh, as you discover:
How to take your love interests on the “lovers’ journey” inclusive of ALL types of romantic relationships.
A unique five-act structure to make your story easy to write and manage.
The specific story “beats” exclusive to the romance genre 
The story and character  necessary to classify your book as romance.
How to avoid stereotypes by focusing on archetypes.
Popular romance tropes.
Essential writing techniques.
Advice on dialogue.
The most common writing mistakes and how to avoid them.
Goal, motivation, and conflict.
Fear, need, and flaw 
Much more

The Romance Novel Formula  is complete with checklists and over 30 writing exercises. And it is the new essential romance writing guide for aspiring and experienced writers, plotters and professional researchers. 

About the Author:

A.K. Leigh is an eternal dreamer and romantic, trauma survivor, writing teacher, and identical triplet. Her multi-genre fiction transports readers into a world of  mysteries, suspense, crime, the supernatural, and time travel. And all these are entwined with a heart pumping HEA romance. Her non-fiction titles take readers on journeys to strengthen self-love, heighten creativity, and increase imagination. 

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The Romance Novel Formula Review:

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If you have aspirations to write a great romance novel but don’t know how to start, you should get “The Romance Novel Formula.”

This book is the first one I have ever read that guides the reader on how to go about writing a romance novel. While the book targets romance, many key strategies apply to any genre. The author does a fantastic job organizing and categorizing the book. As such, it comes across as the perfect guide. As soon as you pick it up, you have no trouble following the directions and steps the author mentions.

She gives the fundamentals of a romance novel, with examples of modern and classic tales. She then proceeds to describe the characters, tone, atmosphere, setting, tropes, and dialogues (to name a few). I liked this book’s simplistic and interactive the author makes each chapter. She fills the chapters with exercises and examples that give you clear visibility of what to do.

Moreover, I enjoyed how the author also provides insight into what the audience looks for in a story. And  how, one has to see the story from various angles. This include the mistakes people usually make, and things to avoid. Even though I am not aspiring to be a romance novelist, I would love to use this book as a benchmark to experiment on a first draft and see success.

Overall, “The Romance Novel Formula ” is an excellent guidebook to get if you want to write a romance novel. I hope the author provides such insights even for other genres to help aspiring authors (not romance enthusiasts) write their stories.


Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a finished copy of THE ROMANCE NOVEL FORMULA, International

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The Romance Novel Formula

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Romance Novel Formula by A.K. Leigh Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One: 
Mythical Books-Excerpt-12-6-2021
The Momma Spot-Excerpt-12-7-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt/IG Post-12-8-2021
BookHounds YA-Excerpt/IG Post-12-9-2021
The Girl Who Reads-Review/IG Post-12-10-2021

Week Two:
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Spotlight/IG Post-12-13-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review/IG Post-12-14-2021
Lisa Loves Literature-Review/IG Post-12-17-2021

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