The Rue Stone by Janet Stock

The Rue Stone

The Rue Stone by Janet Stock

Release: September 27th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Independently published
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: Amazon, Amazon UK



The Rue Stone is a sweet fantasy novella you enjoy reading in the style of a traditional fairy tale.

The rue is a mysterious and rare being who is rarely seen, and Janna is amazed when one arrives at the inn where she works, looking for a room. The next morning, her life has changed, and she is left wondering whether she will ever see him again, but only time and the rue stone know the answer to that question.

Author Bio:

Having written all of my life, I decided to self-publish my writing when I turned 50. I have published four books since then. Two are collections of short stories; Dark & Fluffy; Dark & Fluffy II and 500 Words, which is flash fiction. My latest book The Rue Stone is a fantasy novella.

My passion is medieval fiction, and I am working on my first novel The Little Servant – The Wait’s Son, set in the 12th century, in Lincoln, where I live.

All four books are available on Amazon.

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The Rue Stone Review:

The Rue Stone is a nice, fantasy romance novella and I found it interesting.

Initially when I started reading this tale, I really did not know what to expect. I wasn’t aware that this was a prequel to the author’s next book. Hence, the book was quick to read which anyone can finish in one sitting.

Janna is very interesting as the main character. I liked the dialogues she shares with the other members of the Inn. Moreover, Vune, Vem and Hera were interesting in their own way and stood out in the story. Also, Arval is wonderful as the Rue. Even though he makes special appearances, the story-line always got interesting with his presence.

The story is short and simple, but somehow it is still entertaining. Similarly, the author tells the story in a simple manner that immediately attracts the reader. More than the characters, I really liked the mystery behind the rue and its history. The author maintains an element of mystery behind the rue and the rue stone, and their unique features. Moreover, as the story is only around 110 pages, a lot happens within this novella.

However, at times, the story felt too fast. I felt this more towards the end when Aery came into the picture. There were some loose ends which we don’t get any answers for. For example, what was the reason why Hera died? What is the history behind Arval? Why did he disappear and come back to Janna? How did the Inn actually come into being? Perhaps the author will answer these questions in the following book.

Overall, this is a good setup to the series and I am interested to see how it continues.

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Book Tour Schedule:

The Rue Stone

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Rue Stone by Janet Stock Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

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