The Sadeiest by Austrian Spencer

The Sadeiest

The Sadeiest by Austrian Spencer

Release: November 27th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Independently published 
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



Is today a good day to die?

Death – a walking skeleton armed with a scythe, a rider of the apocalypse, has always been assumed – is a man that brings the souls of the dead to wherever they are destined to go.

But what if we got that wrong? What if he were a ghost that, instead of moving your soul on silently after you had died, actually did the hard part for you?

Death has to die, again and again, to pay for his sins and to free trapped souls before their bodies perish – only to replace those souls, to die for them.

A Death whose existence is a curse, where the other riders of the Apocalypse are not his allies, but his enemies.

Armed only with his morals, his memories, and the advice of a child teacher, Williams, a Sadeiest, travels through the deaths of other people on his way to becoming something greater. Something that will re-define the Grim Reaper.

Death just came to life, in time to fight for a child hunted by the other horsemen of the Apocalypse.

How do you want to die today?

About the Author:

Austrian had an unfortunate trauma aged eight when a truck drove over him and his ‘Grifter’ bike. This made him bedridden and a captive of books for too many years. The habit persisted throughout his life (reading books, not staying in bed), to the extent that his daughter’s first painting was of him holding a book, rather than her hand. He has the picture framed in the upstairs toilet to look at whilst feeling vulnerable.

He is the ‘glass-half-full,’ an eternal optimist,, and believes passionately in you. You are doing exactly what you need to be doing at this moment in your life. He often thinks this while staring at his daughter’s first painting.

Austrian does not watch horror films, though he enjoys horror books. His influences include Alan Moore, Dave Sim, Neil Gaiman, Frank Miller, The family King, Iain M.Banks, whom he wishes to learn. Be inspired.

He owes them everything, despite their beards.

The Sadeiest is Austrian’s debut novel.

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The Sadeiest Review:

“The Sadeiest” is a rollercoaster ride of emotions that will open your mind, and was a fascinating read! 

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Firstly, before I get into the plot, I have to give kudos to the author for the level of creativity in organizing this book. I have never read a book with a touch of graphic novel immersed in it. Between each chapter lies a page of a graphic novel complimenting the story. Moreover, the author has hidden clues in the strips that make you pay attention to them. The illustrations are also beautiful and raw, and some of them gave me shivers. 

Coming to the characters, I loved John, Williams, and Henreich in the lead. The storylines are gripping, and you would not be able to put it down once you start reading. John’s interaction with Death and Williams storyline with Greta is unforgettable. Even the passages from their conversations are memorable, like when Henreich explains the ripple effect to Williams. 

The story itself is like a whirlwind of emotions. The author narrates the plot on such a graphic yet poignant level. After reading the book, I felt like I went through all the feelings that Williams went through, like fear, sorrow, love, and loss. Some of the scenes are very explicit and violent, like the ones around Michael and Sarah. Yet, the author balances the storyline with Williams and Henreich while they go on their quest. I particularly loved the scenes where they are mountain climbing. 

Overall, this was a fantastic book that makes you question Life after Death. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Book Tour Schedule

The Sadeiest

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Sadeiest by Austrian Spencer Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources



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