The Sand Pounder: Love and Drama on Horseback in WWII by M.J. Evans

The Sand Pounder

The Sand Pounder: Love and Drama on Horseback in WWII by M.J. Evans

Release: September 28th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Dancing Horse Press
Source: iRead Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&NKoboTBD



The world is at war. A teenage equestrian takes on a man’s world to make a difference…and finds love along the way.

Fearing an invasion by German and Japanese forces during World War II, the U.S. Coast Guard enlisted horsemen to patrol the beaches along the east and west coasts. The unit was called “The Sand Pounders” and they rode their horses up and down the beaches from 1942 to 1944.

In Tillamook, Oregon, a young equestrian decided to join them. There was only one problem…they were only accepting men. That didn’t slow her down.

The Sand Pounder is a Young Adult historical fiction set during World War II

About the Author:

Award-Winning, Best-Selling author, M.J. Evans grew up in Lake Oswego, Oregon, and graduated from Oregon State University. She spent five years teaching junior high and high school students before retiring to raise her five children.

She is a life-long equestrian and enjoys competing in Dressage and riding in the beautiful Colorado Mountains.

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The Sand Pounder Review:

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The Sand Pounder is a heartwarming historical fiction on the bravery of a young girl, and I enjoyed it.

This book gave me Mulan vibes, and I liked it! Right from the first page, I connected with Jane as she heard the news of the events of World War II. The author wrote Jane’s emotions wonderfully, from what she sees with the Katos to Jane’s experiences in the Sand Pounders.

I enjoyed the author’s style of writing. The story is a beautiful blend of action, drama, and historical references. It is also evident that the author thoroughly researched World War II, and I enjoyed all the details she included in the story. Some of my favorite moments were when Jane supports Stephan or how emotional she gets over the Katos. I also enjoyed her scenes with Stephan, as the author adds a spark between the two even when Jane is in disguise. The two of them share a beautiful bond when they partner, and I enjoyed how their storyline progressed. At the same time, I adored the letters that Jane wrote to Thomas.

Another big highlight of the story was Jane’s love for horses. It is clear that the author is passionate about horses, and I love Jane’s connection with Star. The author also adds thrilling moments to the tale, like when Jane sees a woman’s body or when they hear explosions that spook the horses. Moreover, I liked the storyline involving Brian and how Stephan and Jane helped him.

Overall, “The Sand Pounder” is a beautiful young adult historical novel that had a touch of everything for a reader of any age to enjoy.


The Sand Pounder – Love and Drama on Horseback in WWII by M. J. Evans, signed by the author (one winner/USA only)

THE SAND POUNDER Book Tour Giveaway

The Sand Pounder

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on tThe Sand Pounder: Love and Drama on Horseback in WWII by M.J. Evans Blog Tour hosted by iRead Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Splashes of Joy – Oct 12 –book review / guest post / giveaway
FUONLYKNEW – Oct 12 – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
The Lost Review Of Odd Books – Oct 12 – book review
Rockin’ Book Reviews – Oct 13 – book review / giveaway
Kam’s Place – Oct 13 –book spotlight / guest post
Book Corner News and Reviews – Oct 14 –book review / giveaway
wottaread – Oct 15 – book spotlight
Books for Books – Oct 15 –  book review
Connie’s History Classroom – Oct 18 –  book review / guest post / giveaway
Literary Flits – Oct 19 – book review / giveaway
Jazzy Book Reviews – Oct 20 –  book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Rajiv’s Reviews – Oct 20 – book review / giveaway
Locks, Hooks and Books – Oct 21 –  book review / giveaway
Writer with Wanderlust – Oct 22 – book review / guest post / giveaway

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