The Second Wife

The Second Wife by Miranda Rijks

Release: May 16, 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Inkubator Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US, Kindle



She married the man she loved. Then she met his family.

Tamsin has recently married renowned composer Robin Featherstone. Robin is much older, but Tamsin doesn’t care – she’s in love.
And she knows Robin loves her too, even if he is very close to another young woman – his assistant, Mia.
But Robin’s ex-wife and grown children aren’t happy. They’re sure Tamsin is a gold-digger and Mia is an opportunist.
Then, when Robin dies suddenly, the family realizes their worst fears. Tamsin stands to inherit everything. But when they read the will, its contents are beyond shocking.
As Mia and Tamsin are pitted against each other, only one thing is clear. The family will go to any lengths to stop either of them from inheriting even a part of Robin’s estate.
Isolated in the family mansion, fearing for their lives and distrustful of each other, Tamsin and Mia are determined to stand their ground. But then a dark family secret is revealed which may engulf them all…

The Second Wife – the stunning psychological thriller from the author of The Visitors, The Arrangement, The New Neighbour.

About the Author:

Miranda Rijks is a writer of psychological thrillers and suspense novels. She has an eclectic background ranging from law to running a garden center. She’s been writing all of her life and has a master’s in writing. A couple of years ago she decided to ditch the business plans and press releases and now she’s living the dream, writing suspense novels full time. She lives in Sussex, England with her Dutch husband, musician daughter, and black Labrador.

Miranda is the author of psychological thrillers. This will be her fourteenth novel published with Inkubator Books.

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The Second Wife Review:

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The first thing that struck me about the story is the character’s relationships. I loved reading about Mia and Tamsin and their scenes together more than the suspense. While the two don’t start on the best note, seeing how they interacted after Robin’s demise was interesting. I thought the author wrote their dynamics wonderfully. Moreover, the plot felt fresh, and you didn’t know how it would progress or how the characters would react to the situations.

Secondly, I enjoyed the cast of characters. Whether it be Mia, Tamsin, David, Claudia, or Brooke, each person feels as if they are hiding some secrets, and it was fun to see some of their backstories revealed. I especially enjoyed Mia’s backstory and the scenes with the Detectives. David, in particular, intrigued me because I didn’t know his true intentions. I didn’t realize how my feelings towards some of them changed throughout the story.

Thirdly, I liked the twists. Some notable moments are when they announce Robin’s will or even the twist in the end. You think the author has revealed everything to the story, but towards the very last page, the author reveals another surprising connection that I did not expect.

Perhaps the only downside is I predicted who was behind it well in advance. But, I wasn’t sure of the culprit’s intentions, and it was interesting to see how everything fit together. Moreover, the story gets a bit slow towards the middle, and I wish there had been more twists.

Other than that, I loved this book. The author is becoming one of my favorites, and I cannot wait to read what suspenseful thriller she will write next. Overall, “The Second Wife” is an exciting addition to the author’s portfolio, and I enjoyed it.

Book Tour Schedule: 

The Second Wife

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Second Wife by Miranda Rijks Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours



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