The Shade Under the Mango Tree

The Shade Under the Mango Tree by Evy Journey

Release: November 2nd 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Sojourner Books
Source: iread Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, Kobo



After two heartbreaking losses, Luna wants adventure. Something and somewhere very different from the affluent, sheltered home in California and Hawaii where she grew up. An adventure in which she can also make some difference. She ends up in place steeped in an ancient culture and a deadly history.

Raised by her grandmother in a Honolulu suburb, she moves to her parents’ home in California at thirteen and meets her brothers for the first time. Grandma persuades her to write a journal whenever she’s lonely or overwhelmed as a substitute for someone to whom she could reveal her intimate thoughts.

Lucien, a worldly, well-traveled young architect, finds a stranger’s journal at a café. He has qualms and pangs of guilt about reading it. But they don’t stop him. His decision to go on reading changes his life.

Months later, they meet at a bookstore where Luna works and which Lucien, an architect, frequents. Fascinated by his stories and his adventurous spirit, Luna volunteers for the Peace Corps. Assigned to Cambodia, she lives with a family whose parents are survivors of the Khmer Rouge genocide forty years earlier. What she goes through in a rural rice-growing village defies anything she could have imagined. Will she leave this world unscathed?

An epistolary tale of love—between an idealistic young woman and her grandmother and between the young woman and a young architect. It’s a tale of courage, resilience of the human spirit, and the bonds that bring diverse people together.

About the Author:

Evy Journey writes. Stories and blog posts. Novels that tend to cross genres. She’s also a wannabe artist, and a flâneuse.

Evy studied psychology (M.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D. University of Illinois). So her fiction spins tales about nuanced characters dealing with contemporary life issues and problems. She believes in love and its many faces.

Her one ungranted wish: To live in Paris where art is everywhere and people have honed aimless roaming to an art form. She has visited and stayed a few months at a time.
She’s also a wannabe artist, and a flâneuse who wishes she lives in Paris where art is everywhere and people have honed aimless roaming to an art form. She has lived in Paris a few times as a transient. 

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The Shade Under the Mango Tree Review:

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Firstly I enjoyed the author’s simple yet eloquent style of writing. The author toggled the book between Luna and Lucien’s perspectives. Secondly, it was interesting to see how the story progressed via diary entries. I love books with the epistolary format as it makes the reader easily connect with the characters. Thirdly, while the characters initially don’t meet, I enjoyed how the author joined Luna and Lucien via the Moleskine journal.

Speaking of which, I enjoyed both Luna and Lucien in the lead. Both of them have charming personalities, and I like some moments from each of them. I enjoyed Lucien at times because of how connected he becomes to Luna’s life just from reading her entries. Similarly, Luna goes through a lot in the tale, and it is easy to relate to her feelings. Also, my favorite moments are when she contemplates her relationship with Scott or the love she shares with her grandmother.

Moreover, as the story progresses, I was intrigued about how Lucien would find Luna to meet her. Even the supporting characters like Mae, Ov, and Jorani added nicely to the tale. The author also included some lovely passages about the mango tree and what it represents to the characters. Both the characters go through a lot emotionally, and it was interesting to see how their relationship progressed. From Hawaii to Cambodia, Luna goes on an exciting journey as she ponders her place in life.

Overall, “The Shade Under the Mango Tree” is a beautiful coming-of-age story that is worth picking up if you love complex characters with strong emotions. I enjoyed reading this book a lot!


Enter to win a signed copy of Evy Journey’s THE SHADE UNDER THE MANGO TREE, plus $25 Amazon Gift Card (3 winners) (USA only) (ends Sep 3)


The Shade Under the Mango Tree

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Shade Under the Mango Tree by Evy Journey Blog Tour hosted by iread Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

 11 Aug–Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
 11 Aug – Rajiv’s Reviews – book review / giveaway
 12 Aug– @booking.with.janelle – book review / author interview / giveaway
 13 Aug– Hall Ways Blog – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
 16 Aug– Sadie’s Spotlight – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
 17 Aug – Westveil Publishing – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
 17 Aug- Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
 18 Aug – Sefina Hawke’s Books – book review
 19 Aug– Reading is My Passion – book review
 19th Aug – Deborah-Zenha Adams – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
 19 Aug – I’m Into Books – book spotlight / giveaway
 23 Aug – Read with Me – book review
 23 Aug – Books Lattes & Tiaras – book spotlight
 24 Aug – Splashes of Joy – book review / author interview / giveaway



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