The Stockwell Letters by Jacqueline Friedland

The Stockwell Letters

The Stockwell Letters by Jacqueline Friedland

Release: August 29, 2023
Format: Paperback
Publisher: SparkPress
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



From USA Today best-selling and multi-award-winning author Jacqueline Friedland comes a gripping work of fiction based on the true story of female abolitionist Ann Phillips and her connection to Anthony Burns, a young man who briefly escaped American slavery and rocked the nation with his astoundingly heroic story.

A passionate advocate of abolition from her earliest years, Ann’s activism was derailed just before her twenty-fourth birthday, when she fell sick with a mysterious illness. In order to protect her fragile health, her husband, the famous abolitionist Wendell Phillips, forbade her from joining any further anti-slavery outings. Even so, when fugitive slave Anthony Burns is apprehended in Boston, Ann is determined to help him, no matter what it costs her.

With a particular focus on the predicament of nineteenth-century women who wanted to effect change despite the restrictions society imposed on them, The Stockwell Letters— takes a deep dive into the harrowing conditions of the antebellum South and the obstacles faced by abolitionists who fought tirelessly to eradicate slavery. A fast-paced, arresting recounting of America’s not-so-distant history— the story will stay with readers long after the final page.

About the Author:

Jacqueline Friedland is the USA Today best-selling and multi-award-winning author of He Gets That From Me, That’s Not a Thing, and Trouble the Water. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and NYU Law School, she practiced briefly as a commercial litigator in Manhattan and taught Legal Writing and Lawyering Skills at the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law. She returned to school after not too long in the legal world, earning her Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Jacqueline regularly reviews fiction for trade publications and appears as a guest lecturer. When not writing, she loves to exercise, watch movies with her family, listen to music, make lists, and dream about exotic vacations. She lives in Westchester, New York, with her husband, four children, and two very lovable dogs.

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The Stockwell Letters Review:

I found the author’s portrayal of the three main characters captivating and the book’s highlight.

Ann’s narrative explored love, suffering, and hope. Despite her grave illness, I loved the unwavering love Wendell offered her, which provided a glimmer of hope that she might defy the odds. Ann’s strength shines through as she grapples with questions of individual responsibility, moral dilemmas, and the complexities of making a difference in the abolitionist movement.

Similarly, Colette is an intriguing character, though her storyline often feels somewhat isolated. The author offers a glimpse into Colette’s yearning for purpose and fulfillment within a society that severely restricts women’s roles and opportunities. The story delves into the intricacies of Colette’s relationships, including her unease regarding her husband’s behavior. One of the most poignant moments occurs when the author vividly captures Colette’s internal struggle as she confronts her privilege and grapples with the limitations of her ability to assist enslaved people. These moments underscore the tension between her desire to do more and her fear of the potential repercussions on her comfortable life.

However, my heart went out to Anthony. The author’s portrayal of his harsh and dehumanizing captivity and the public spectacle of his capture felt strikingly realistic. Yet, amidst the bleakness, Anthony’s unwavering hope, resilience, and resourcefulness in his pursuit of freedom shine brightly. The author crafts a narrative that takes unexpected twists, making you realize that life doesn’t always unfold as hoped, but it leaves you with a sense of enduring hope, a reflection of the challenges many of us face in life.

In summary, “The Stockwell Letters” not only prompts you to cherish life but also evokes deep empathy for the fates of these characters. It leaves you feeling inspired by their significant roles during that era.

Book Tour Schedule

The Stockwell Letters

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Stockwell Letters by Jacqueline Friedland Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

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