The Story of Babushka by Catherine Flores

The Story of Babushka by Catherine Flores

Release: July 29th 2020 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: ACL Creative Studio
Source: Love Books Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UKThe story of Babushka



Babushka wants to find out the meaning of life so she sends her bodies out of the forest and into the world to search for answers.


The babushka doll, also known as a matryoshka or Russian nesting doll, is a traditional Russian toy first made over 100 years ago. Also, the doll has come to symbolise Russian folk culture, as well as the complex and beautiful layers of women. There are some babushka dolls with as many as fifty dolls nested inside.

This is the story of one very special babushka doll and her five bodies. There was the outermost body, Antonia. Indeed, she was pure beauty. Everyone who saw her admired her good looks. Beneath that body of beauty hid Loretta, who was richly adorned. She wore gold ornaments, and her green robe was decorated with many different gems that glittered like the ocean on a sunny day. Also, hidden within the rich body was Paula, the body that held all Babushka’s talents. Whatever Paula did, she was sure to succeed. She knew how to work and always did so with joy and determination. Within the talented body was Viola, the body of wisdom. Viola also knew a lot about the world and learned very quickly.

She was always full of brilliant ideas and had clever solutions for every problem. The last body, the smallest of all, was Mary, the embodiment of love. Mary had a warm and compassionate heart and was very helpful. She could dry tears and mend broken hearts. Together, these bodies formed the complete Babushka.

About the Author:

Since quitting her full-time job at a branding communication agency in Zurich, Catherine has gone on to become a successful freelance designer and a children’s author. She spends most of her time on the small island of Madeira with her family, spending her time growing vegetables in her garden and working for clients from around the world.
She is currently working on the follow up to the 2020 release of “The Story Of Babushka”

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The Story of Babushka Review:

I loved loved, loved, LOVED this story and feel it is an evergreen book that anyone will enjoy and love!

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The author beautifully narrates a person’s individual traits through the five Matryoshka dolls. Each doll embarks in her own journey and learns new experiences along the way. I loved the story behind each of them and how to come together to be complete.

You know a children’s book is truly special if it can even make adults emotional and retrospect on their lives. As we grow, we sometimes leave parts of ourselves to fit into the world to be accepted. We sometimes lose our innocence, love, value, and empathy and do things for gaining profits. This story beautifully narrates that it is never too late to find yourself in life and be the person who you can truly love.

The author did a wonderful job in narrating the tale, where a person of any age group would enjoy. The young ones will love the adventures of the five dolls, and the adults can relate their lives to them in some manner. Moreover, the illustrations by Ana Beatriz Marques are simply gorgeous. All the characters come to life in a charming and whimsical manner through the illustrations. The colors are vibrant and the texture is breath-taking.

To conclude, I don’t read much children’s novels, but this was simply amazing and one that I will surely not forget. I would recommend it to anyone who feels a little lost in life and want to read simple story to give them hope.

Book Tour Schedule

The Story of Babushka

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Story of Babushka by Catherine Flores Blog Tour hosted by Love Books Tours



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