The Stray Cats of Homs

The Stray Cats of Homs by Eva Nour

Release: May 28th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Doubleday
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at: Amazon, Kindle, Book Depository



This is the story of a young man struggling to keep his home alive despite devastation. Tender, wild and unbearably raw, it is a novel which will stay with you for ever.

‘A cat has seven souls in Arabic. In English cats have nine lives. You probably have both nine lives and seven souls, because otherwise I don’t know how you’ve made it this far.’

Sami’s childhood is much like any other innocent child. It is a blend of family and school, of friends and relations and pets . The pets  are stray cats and dogs, and the turtle he keeps on the roof.

But growing up in Syria, with his country at war ,means that nothing is normal.  Sami’s hopes for a better future are ripped away. He is conscripted into the military and forced to train as a map maker.

Someone can shield Sami from the worst horrors of the war. But it will still be impossible to avoid his own nightmare…

About the Author:

Eva Nour is a journalist writing under a pseudonym. Her inspiration to write The Stray Cats of Homs, her debut novel, came after  meeting and falling in love with the real ‘Sami’.


The Stray Cats of Homs Review:

This book was raw and gripping, and so difficult to read without breaking down. The Stray Cats of Homs is a book that everyone should read.

The author wrote the characters in an impeccable manner. Sami is wonderful as the main character, and your heart immediately goes out to him from the first page. The story starts off in a very innocent manner where Sami leads a somewhat normal childhood, growing up in Homs, Syria. However, once Bashar al –Assad comes to power, you slowly see Sami’s life take a drastic turn. He is pushed to the military (with a stint in prison) to a life that he did not want. I wanted to get in the pages and hug Sami and take him away from the misery and challenges we faces at war. What is really beautiful is how he still hangs on to hope even while all this is happening. Even the supporting characters like Sarah, Yasmin, and even Grandpa Faris are endearing.

The author did a beautiful job in narrating the story where she talks about the harsh results of dictatorship, and the power of love. The story is based off real events which makes the experience unforgettable. Moreover, I still cannot believe that this is the author’s debut novel and really hope she continues to write more novels in the future with the same emotions. This book really makes you appreciate life and count your blessings. After reading it, I pray that refugees and asylum seekers in this situation have the strength to move on and lead a better life.

Overall, “The Stray Cats of Homs” is not just a book; it’s an unforgettable experience.

Blog Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Stray Cats of Homs by Eva Nour Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours.

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