The Summer of Madness

The Summer of Madness by Alexander Raphael

Release: February 23rd 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Independently published
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: Amazon , Amazon UK



In the summer of love, or rather of madness, there emerges a whole set of stories . But there is one that has got everyone talking. Kurt Vannes decides to win back his ex-girlfriend with the help of a literary classic. He triggers a string of events that will build to a dramatic finale.

About the Author:

Alex Raphael  is Half-Welsh, half-Mexican and grew up in London. He started writing when at college. He writes in particular on poetry and short stories.

Studying English and American Literature at university meant he took a break from writing. This gave him the chance to see more of Mexico on his travels. He concentrated on his journalistic career while working on different writing projects. His favourite genre of literature has been short stories that inspired him to write.

The Summer of Madness, is  a romantic short story about a guy who goes out to try to win his ex-girlfriend back. They are a memorable set of characters along for the ride.

His second book Illusions, Delusions reflects Raphael’s love of alternative short stories from the writers of his childhood ..It deals with different styles  of the narrative in the form of a questionnaire, a poem or a set of jokes.

Alex Raphael is currently working on his third collection of short stories,  with his trademark imagination, humour and memorable dialogue with distinctive characters.

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The Summer of Madness Review:

This was an adorable short story that made me want to revisit Wuthering Heights.

I love romance novels, whether it is feel-good or a tragic tale. Although this is a very quick read (of less than 50 pages), the author did a wonderful job in making you fall in love with the idea of romance. As Kurt says in the story, we always root for the main character to win the love of his life, no matter how ridiculous the method is. I was curious to know if the story is based off real events the author experienced, as he wrote in such a personal manner. He tells the story in simple, yet alluring manner.

Let’s not forget the references to Bronte’s classic. The character recites passages from Wuthering Heights that made me want to re-read the classic. Moreover, I really liked Kurt as the main character and thought he was charming. What’s really nice is that the author also contradicts the character’s actions from the questions that strangers ask him. Hence, it was nice getting both perspectives of the situation. On one hand, I loved Kurt’s determination to win back his love. However, on the other hand, I could also understand that it came across as he was stalking and pressurizing her by doing this.

The story also ends in a bitter sweet manner which makes it memorable. I hope the author writes an anthology of such stories/novellas and publishes them as he has a wonderful talent for writing romance.

Overall, even if you are not an avid reader, you will love this short story if you are in the mood for a nice romance novel.

Book Tour Schedule

The Summer of Madness

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Summer of Madness by Alexander Raphael Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources



One Comment

  1. I really want to thank you for your fantastic and wonderfully detailed review. I’m so happy you connected with the heart of the story. Your comments about my writing style are really inspiring and make me want to write even more. Thank you so much.

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