The Sun Casts No Shadow by Mark Richardson

The Sun Casts No Shadow

The Sun Casts No Shadow by Mark Richardson

Release: February 9, 2020
Format: Paperback, eBook
Publisher: Whiz Bang
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it atGoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, Kobo



Wellington Thorneycroft is content picking pockets, taking Ambrosia, screwing prostitutes, and simply surviving in the hellish, walled City. But everything changes when he spots a spectral woman who wordlessly conveys the message: We’ll escape together. Suddenly, Thorneycroft’s life is turned upside down as he’s pulled along a circuitous path to an unknowable freedom: a path marked by violence, sex, and metaphysical dread.

About the Author:

Mark Richardson is the author of the novels The Sun Casts No Shadow, and Hunt for the Troll.

His short stories have appeared in numerous crime and literary publications, including HobartFugueSegueCrime FactorySwitchback, and Nth Position.

Born in the Chicago area, he graduated from the University of Iowa, and promptly escaped the midwestern winters for sunny California, first living in Los Angeles and then San Francisco. He spent thirty years working as a writer and marketer for tech companies in Silicon Valley.

Mark now lives in the East Bay with his wife, two children, and the world’s cutest dog. He spends his time writing fiction, obsessing about the Chicago Cubs, attending his daughter’s softball games, and reading stacks of books. He loves genre-bending fiction, especially speculative writing with a noir flavor. In 2019, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and supports the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

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The Sun Casts No Shadow Review:

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When I started reading “The Sun Casts No Shadow,” I had no idea how complex it would get. The author does a great job setting up the dystopian world with the City, Wall, Troopers, and the Factory. Initially, when you read the blurb, you feel it would be a run-of-the-mill dystopian tale where the protagonist tries to beat the system. True, it is that in some ways, but it is so much more. There was never a dull moment in the tale, and the plot picks up as you dive into it. Some of my favorite moments were when Wellington and Lilith go through underground tunnels on their journey to freedom or when Wellington sees the stranger in the mirror. I also loved how the author incorporated dreams and premonitions into the tale, giving this story a surreal touch.

Moreover, the characters are unique and complex, and you don’t know how they react to situations. Wellington is great in the lead, and I liked his sarcastic humor. He shines in his scenes with Lilith, which to me, were the highlights. I enjoyed Wellington’s scenes with Dempsey, Riba, Gwyneth, and Felix. You don’t know who to trust, and I was glued to the story as Wellington works with them, changing his life.

Perhaps the only downside to the story was the climax. While I will not give the ending, I will say that it left me wanting more. I hope the author writes a sequel to this book, as I would love to revisit these characters.

Overall, “The Sun Casts No Shadow” is a compelling dystopian fantasy novel and a short read of fewer than 200 pages.

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will win a $10 Amazon GC courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours, International.

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The Sun Casts No Shadow

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Sun Casts No Shadow by Mark RichardsonBlog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Rockstar Book Tours-Kickoff Post-1-31-2022
Writer of Wrongs-Excerpt-1-31-2022
YABooksCentral-Guest Post-2-1-2022
Mythical Books-Excerpt/IG Post-2-1-2022
BookHounds-Guest Post-2-2-2022
@jaimerockstarbooktours-IG Post-2-2-2022
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review/IG Post-2-3-2022
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Review-2-3-2022
Jazzy Book Reviews-Review-2-4-2022
Sadie’s Spotlight-Excerpt/IG Post-2-4-2022

Week Two:
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt-2-7-2022
Jaime’s Book World-Excerpt-2-7-2022
The Girl Who Reads-Review/IG Post-2-8-2022
Prison Wife Reviews-Review/IG Post-2-8-2022
Coffee and Wander Book Reviews-Review/IG Post-2-9-2022
@jypsylynn -Review/IG Post-2-10-2022
Two Points of Interest-Review-2-10-2022
The Momma Spot-Review-2-11-2022
OneMoreExclamation-Review/IG Post-2-11-2022

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