The Things I Want To Say But Can’t by Carla Christian

The Things I Want To Say But Can't

The Things I Want To Say But Can’t by Carla Christian

Release: June 1st 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Carla Christian
Source: Love Books Tours
Find it at: Amazon UK



‘A lifetime of endings, a million goodbyes. None of them right. It’s funny what you remember when you’ve got nothing else to think about. All those things you should’ve said while you had the chance. You never learned, did you? You never, ever learned.’

Belle has a habit of losing things. Her friends ,her lovers and her mind.

Everything ends eventually, or at least that’s what life has taught her. But what if everything she lost came back again? what if she got a chance to finally have her say? To face her past. To put things right.

However, second chances aren’t easy when memories are all you have. So, when Belle invites the nightmares of her past back in, is she willing to deal with the consequences? Because maybe, just maybe, this time she’s getting what she deserves.

About the Author:

Carla Christian lives in the Lake District in the North of England. A busy working mum of two teenagers, she has a passion for writing, art and travel, and these interests have been a part of her for as long as she can remember.

Constantly inspired by both the good and the bad in the world around her, she spends much of her time creating in one way or another; be it painting canvases for the blank walls of her new home, sketching pictures to capture memories of the many travel adventures she’s been lucky enough to go on, baking fantastical cakes with her daughter, or writing endless beginnings to a million unfinished stories.

This is her first novel.


The Things I Want To Say Review:

This book was amazing! I was glued to the psychological thriller because of its unique style of storytelling.

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Firstly, I loved the way the author describes the tale. She slowly details the plot in bits and pieces, while toggling between various perspectives and timelines. Even halfway into the book, you still don’t know exactly what is happening with Belle. Hence, I really enjoyed the style of writing because I thought it stepped out of the box and was unique. It’s only towards the end when the author pieces all the ends to complete the puzzle, and it is so satisfying!

Moreover, Belle is gripping and complex as the main character. When you start reading about her, you really don’t know what she is facing. There are so many theories that I formed about Belle and her situation. So, the author keeps you guessing as to what is happening to her. But, you can sense her slowly unraveling from the issues with her mother, her friends leaving, to the abuse she faces. My heart went out to Belle in the story.

However, while I loved the story, there were a few minor things which could have been better. For instance, at times, it was a challenge keeping up with the timeline toggle and figuring out the plot. Also, at times I felt like the author over-described some of the scenes, which could have been cut short. But apart from that, this story was perfect. In short, I think this is one of those books I would definitely revisit to get a different perspective.

Overall, this is a wonderful debut novel by the author and I look forward to her future books!

Book Tour Schedule

The Things I Want To Say But Can't

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Things I Want To Say But Can’t by Carla Christian Blog Tour hosted by Love Books Tours.

Just a Girl Who Loves to Read – 24th Aug-REVIEW
Frenzy Reads – 24th Aug-REVIEW
The Lawyer Librarian – 24th Aug-REVIEW
Rajiv’s Reviews – 25th Aug-Digital Copy
Shh Reads – 25th Aug-REVIEW
The Book Reader – 25th Aug-REVIEW
Frost magazine – 26th Aug-REVIEW
Karen and her Books – 26th Aug-REVIEW
Abbi Reads xx – 26th Aug-REVIEW
Meredith Rankin – 27th Aug-Digital
Becca Adams – 27th Aug-REVIEW
Books in Bucks – 28th Aug-DIGITAL
Jenguerdy – 28th Aug-Digital
Mrs Davies28 – 28th Aug-REVIEW
Geraldine Gatsby – 29th Aug-REVIEW
B for Book Review – 29th Aug-INTERVIEW
Midnightangel book heaven – 29th Aug-REVIEW
The P Turners Book Blog – 29th Aug-Excerpt
Manic Mumdays – 30th Aug-REVIEW
Charlotte’s Picks – 30th Aug-REVIEW
Booksaremybestfriendz – 30th Aug-INTERVIEW
Books and Cwtches – 31st Aug-REVIEW
Lorna’s Literary Love Story – 31st Aug-REVIEW
Books Bubbles and Blossoms – 31st Aug-REVIEW
Book Loving Science Teacher – 1st Sept-REVIEW
Neville Louise – 1st Sept-REVIEW
The Cosy Reader – 1st Sept-REVIEW
Reading Through the Lookinglass – 2nd Sept-REVIEW
Clare Horrocks for Love Books Group – 2nd Sept – REVIEW
Bookmarks and Stages – 2nd Sept-REVIEW
Bookish Woo – 3rd Sept-Digitsl
Booky Charm – 3rd Sept-Digital
Babydollsandrazorblades – 3rd Sept-Review
Book Off I’m Reading – 4th Sept – Digital
Mrs Hible Reads – 4th Sept-Digital
Pen Possessed – 4th Sept-Spotlight
Vicky Book and Family – 5th Sept-Digital Review
Jera’s Jamboree – 5th Sept-Digital Review
Meredith Rankin – 5th Sept-Digital Review
Wonders of Books – 6th Sept-REVIEW
Bookish Bursnoll – 6th Sept-Digital Review
Fany Reads English – 6th Sept-Digital Review

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