The Third Magpie

The Third Magpie by MS Clements

Release: January 14th 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: PgUp Limited
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Caring teacher and loving husband, Finn tolerates daily humiliation to be with Sophie, the woman he loves. Fragile & naturally compliant he must summon all his courage to survive the system. Despite the injustice, they dream of a normal life, where liberty and identity are not subverted by ever tightening restrictions.
When a powerful politician requests that Finn tutor his daughter, it seems like a change of fortune. Soon Finn’s new found optimism is crushed by manipulative abuse, and a flu-like epidemic that threatens his life. It is left to Sophie to pick up the pieces and save her husband. In New Albany, every opportunity comes at price.
How far must Sophie go to save the man she loves?
For fans of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, ‘VOX’, 1984, and other speculative fiction, ‘The Third Magpie’ takes the reader into a terrifyingly plausible world where a wristband restricts your job, your movement, and even who you can marry. It is a society where propaganda masks extremism that threatens your very existence.

About the Author:

Of Anglo-Spanish heritage, M.S. Clements grew up in Exeter, Devon. After gaining a degree in Economics and Spanish, Clements moved to London and trained for a PGCE at The Institute of Education. In the late 1990’s Clements worked as a Spanish teacher at all boys’ comprehensive in Surrey, leaving full time teaching in 2000. Clements continues to run a Spanish club for primary aged girls at a local school and tutors privately.
M.S. Clements has published short stories and poetry both online and in print, and is a founding member of @Virtwriting, an online writers’ group

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The Third Magpie Review:

You know that feeling you get? When you are deeply invested in the characters, but you know something really bad is going to happen to them? And you are scared to continue because you love them so much and you don’t want to see them hurt? “The Third Magpie” is a brilliant, compelling, amazing dystopian romance about Finn and Sophie, and one of the best books I have read this year!

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Is it really the author’s debut novel? It’s so hard to believe because reading this book was like reading a classic! Beautiful style of writing and a compelling plot made me glued to the story. Even the way the story is designed, with flashbacks of Finn’s childhood, peaked my interest from page one. Moreover, there are many shocking twists, where everyone holds secrets. You never really know who to trust. Also, the author paced the story so well with the buildup, and the climax is just unforgettable.

If I had to sum my love for this book in one word, it would be Finn! An unforgettable character, Finn is someone who immediately won me over. He is the underdog with the heart of gold. It was heart-wrenching to read the experiences he faces. He has the innocence of a child, and emotionally vulnerable, and you just want to get in the pages and take care of him. I loved his undying love for Sophie and the lengths he goes through just to be with her. There are so many devious characters that Finn encounters, but he still fights for what is right. Finn is easily one a character I will never forget ever!

Overall, this book left me speechless! I love it SO much. Thanks for reading and excuse me while I continue to bawl over the ending.

The Third Magpie


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