The Toot Fairy by Mark Huffman

The Toot Fairy

The Toot Fairy by Mark Huffman

Release: February 9, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Brown Books Kids
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at Goodreads, Amazon, KindleB&NiBooksKobo, TBD,



To begin with, Every fairy gets to throw a coin into the magical well one day. And declare what kind of fairy job they want to have. Do they want to be a Rainbow fairy, in charge of making the shining colors after it rains? Or a Dream Fairy, to bring children sweet dreams while they sleep? There are so many important jobs to choose from!

Jessa had always planned to say “tooth” when she threw her coin in the well. But when the day finally comes, she accidentally says “toot!” .Now, instead of leaving coins for the teeth children have lost, she’ll have to collect toots from all the butts in the world.  And she’s not too pleased about it. But her mentor, Poombus the Pungent, is here to tell Jessa all about the job. And also about how even the most unexpected turn of events can turn out to be fun and rewarding!

About the Author:

Mark Huffman writes about our shared human experiences, which is a pretentious way to say that he writes about toots and bottoms and food. Besides, he prepared for writing children’s books by spending much of his early life as an actual child. Unlike other children’s authors he might name who have spuriously claimed the title, he is a real doctor.  Also, He lives with his family in Texas.

Dawn Davidson is a freelance artist in Winter Garden, Florida. Besides, she is a lover of great children’s literature. Naturally, she is inspired by the classical illustrators of the past.  And she strives to achieve a sense of timelessness by mimicking traditional media in her digital work. In addition, she combines classical drawing skill, vibrant color use, and a sense of playful whimsy to create memorable characters and humorous compositions. So, she enjoys nothing more than bringing a story to life through beautiful, engaging art. Not to mention, She loves family, travel, Celtic mythology, period and fantasy costuming, and dreaming of retiring to a mountain cottage in a state that has seasons.

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The Toot Fairy Review:

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“The Toot Fairy” is a hilarious, silly picture book that is light-hearted and will make you smile. I loved the humor of the story and thought the author did a creative job with the tale. It is gross and absurd, but something that everyone can relate to because everyone does it. Moreover, the author leaves a good message in the end, that you can find love in whatever you do, as long as you have a positive mindset.

Equally important, both the characters are adorable. I liked Jess for not throwing a tantrum as she didn’t get what she wanted. Even Poobums the pungent is hilarious. Also, The illustrations by Dawn Davidson are beautiful, colorful, and hilarious. What’s interesting is how the colors contrast between the first half and second half. In the first half, the illustrator fills the story with bright colors or flowers and rainbows, where Jess thinks she would become a tooth fairy. Yet, in the second half, the colors are darker and gross when she becomes a ‘Toot’ Fairy instead. I also loved how shocked the other fairies look in Fairyland when they find out about Jess’s new vocation.

However, the ending is a bit silly with the coins, which the author could have changed. Getting coins for leaving a tooth under the pillow is something lots of children know. However, dropping cash in someone’s pants after a toot sounded unbelievable, even for a fantasy.

Nevertheless, “The Toot Fairy” is an adorable children’s picture book that children can read for humor. The book will surely make them laugh with the fun illustrations.

Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive a finished copy of THE TOOT FAIRY & CHEESEMAKER DURDSDEN, US Only.

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Book Tour Schedule

The Toot Fairy

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Toot Fairy by Mark Huffman Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Week One:
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers-Review-4-26-2021
Lisa-Queen of Random-Guest Post-4-27-2021
Jazzy Book Reviews-Review-4-28-2021
A Dream Within A Dream-Guest Post-4-29-2021
Two Points of interest-Review-4-30-2021
LittleRed Reads-Review-5-1-2021

Week Two:
The Adventures of a Travelers WIfe-Review-5-3-2021
pick a good book-Review-5-4-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-5-6-2021
BookHounds Ya -Review-5-7-2021
Nighttime Reading Center -Review-5-8-2021

Week Three:
I’m Shelfish-Review-5-9-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt-5-10-2021
Jaime’s World-Excerpt-5-11-2021
cindysloveofbooks -Review-5-12-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-5-14-2021
Nerdophiles -Review-5-15-2021

Week Four:
My Fictional Oasis-Review-5-18-2021
Geauxgetlit -Review-5-19-2021
Books and Zebras @jypsylynn -Review-5-20-2021

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