The Trapped Daughter by Jay Kerk

The Trapped Daughter

The Trapped Daughter by Jay Kerk

Release: 22 September, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Jay Kerk Books
Source: Lolas Blog Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Have you ever been trapped somewhere? I have.

Have you ever found that the world does not believe you? I did.

Moreover, I have been betrayed by the people I trusted the most. Also, they coil around me like snakes, lulling me with whispers about protection and safety and for your own good.

For instance, they offer up pills like sweets, promising me relief. Just take the meds and everything will be fine, Belle – the meds, Belle, the meds.

Though, everything will not be fine, and it never will be.  For one thing, Justice is gone from the world. I have been wronged by Gabe, the man I loved most, and when I turned to others for backup, they sided with him because he’s a star. When I ran to my father for safety, he locked me up in his great big mansion and threw away the key. Now I drift like the ghost Gabe pretended I was, my bare feet tasting the coldness of rich tiles, my breath turning to ice.

Gabe isn’t real, they tell me. They insult me, they spit at me, then smile and pretend that they wish to help. Meanwhile, Gabe is out there, luxuriating in all that I won for him, and I suffer and burn.

About the Author:

Jay Kerk uses his medical background and clinical experience as a physician to research and create disturbing psychological thrillers. Also, his main driver is his fascination with the human mind and its vast capabilities, and he loves complex situations that test and challenge reality.

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The Trapped Daughter Review:

This was a twisted thriller that plays with your mind and keeps you guessing, and I enjoyed it a lot!

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Initially, I thought this was a simple story where the father has locked the daughter at home for something she did. However, as the story progresses, you see the manipulations and dark secrets of the characters. Moreover, the storyline is not as straightforward as I presumed, and contained various twists and turns. After a point I actually got confused as to who was telling the truth. Similarly, the climax is amazing and contains a shocking twist I never expected which made the story very memorable.

To be honest, in the beginning I did not like any of the characters that much. In fact, they were characters I loved to hate (except Belle). I was creeped by Richard for peeping on Belle while she takes a bath, and at Marie for lying to Dr. Rosetti. Even Gabe was a creep for the way he treated Belle. However, as the story progresses, the characters get complex and you start to feel for them. I loved the scene where Belle talks to Gabe and tries to convince Richard that he was in the house. It was also interesting to see the various attempts Belle makes to escape from home.

But, the only issue I had with this story is how it toggles between the past and present. As the author shifts the storyline within the chapter, between paragraphs, it was confusing shifting the focus between the past and present. Also, some of the scenes felt repetitious where Belle keeps talking about Richard and Marie conspiring against her.

Apart from that, I loved everything about the story and found it memorable!


There is a tour wide giveaway for the bookstagram blitz for The Trapped Daughter. Two winners will each win a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

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Book Tour Schedule

The Trapped Daughter

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Trapped Daughter by Jay Kerk Blog Tour hosted by Lolas Blog Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

5 October
– Cover Lover Book Review
– Meandmybooks
– Comfy Chair Books
– C.C.C.villacorta
– Currant7 Recommends,
–  Robert Chats

6 October
– Kellyatx
– Rajiv’s Reviews
– Westveil Publishing

7 October
– Jypsylynn
– Nicole_book_nook
– Candid With Courtney

8 October
– The Hidden Bookshelf Club
– Meandmybooks
– Book Lover in Florida
– Currant7 Recommends

9 October
– Bookswithmollyahern
– Chelseas.bookshelf2
– Hijabi_reader
– C.C.C.villacorta
– Robert Chats

10 October
– Mel’s Shelves
– Meandmybooks
– Nicole_book_nook
– Damsel in the Bookland

11 October
– Barbs book club
– Dreamz74
– Candid With Courtney
– Book Lover in Florida
– Robert Chats

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