The Witch with Nine Lives by B. Austin

The Witch with Nine Lives (Dysfunctional Family of Witches #1) by B. Austin

Release: August 27th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Spellbound Books
Source: Bewitching Book Tours
Find it at: Amazon__



Medea turns into a cat at night, due to her mother’s curse. Her mother, Dima, has a shapeshifting stone. She is 130-years-old but appears to be 18, nearly the same age as her two daughters.

Nikki works as a maid, rather than in the family witchcraft business of fortune-telling, seances, and other witchery-for-hire. She was born a Marilyn-Monroe lookalike. Despite her beauty, jealousy eats away at Nikki because her mother and sister have magic. Nor is Nikki allowed near the books of spells, enchantments, and potions Dima stole from Russian monks.

Medea is tortured by a secret that can destroy the sisterly tie between her and Nikki.

Unknown to her family, Nikki, is developing a magical gift which she cannot control, a sorcery that will threaten Medea and pit two powerful sisters against each other.

About the Author:

Belinda has fun creating both researched and original magic in her books. She grew up in New Mexico, a Southwestern state known as the Land of Enchantment with a long history of Native American and Spanish witchcraft. Growing up, she heard spell-binding tales about magic and real witches, magic sometimes witnessed by family members. Also, Belinda has a friend in Albuquerque who is a modern-day witch. Belinda is a former Software Engineer / Web Applications Developer. She has a degree in Applied Mathematics. She did not have to do research when it comes to dysfunctional families. Her father was a bigamist with two wives and two sets of children.

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The Witch with Nine Lives Review:

This is a totally unpredictable book of magic and mayhem, and is fun to read!

The author writes the story in a crass, yet quirky manner. You don’t know where the story is going, because it is so different from what you usually read. Also, the author paints the backdrop of the 1950s nicely using references like “Marilyn Monroe”, “Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered” and “I love Lucy”.

Moreover, the characters are eccentric, weird, and volatile, but also quite entertaining. I liked Madea’s skills of fortune telling, and the scenes where she conducts a séance to contact the grandfather, or when she sees the witch in the lake. Ralph was scary as the ghost, and how he fed off emotions to get stronger. However, Nikki is my favorite character. Nikki always feels inferior to Madea and Dima because she lacks the powers they have. So, it was interesting to see how she bonds with them and tries to fit in. The author also changes the roles of the stereotypes where we root for the witches and dislike the priests, like Father Oliver.

However, while reading the story, I felt it lacked direction. At times, it just feels like random things happens to the girls and their experience of living like witches. Moreover, we don’t see much of Dima, which is unfortunate, because I really liked her in the prequel story. But story picks up towards the end when Nikki is suspected of murder and Ralph gets dangerous.

Overall, the story was decent, and it was hilarious seeing the compromising situations Nikki and Madea find themselves in because of their ‘skills’.


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The Witch with Nine Lives

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Witch with Nine Lives by B. Austin Blog Tour hosted by Bewitching Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule:

Dark Whimsical Art – August 27
Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read – August 27
Paranormalists –  (Interview) – August 27
Roxanne’s Realm – August 28
The Book Junkie Reads – (Interview)  – August 28
Midnight Musings with Bertena on Vocal – August 28
T’s Stuff  – August 31
Supernatural Central (Interview) –  August 31
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom – (Guest Blog) –   August 31
Jazzy Book Reviews – September 1
Uncharted Routes – September 1
Lisa’s World of Books – September 1
Fang-tastic Books (Guest Blog) –  September 2
The Avid Reader (Review) – September 2
Sapphyria’s Books –  September 2
JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder –  September 3
Rajiv’s Reviews (Review) – September 3
SImply Kelina – September 3
bookriot (review) – September 3

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