The Woman at Number 19 by J.A. Baker

The Woman at Number 19

The Woman at Number 19 by J.A. Baker

Release: May 29, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Boldwood Books
Source: Amazon
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, B & N



Esther lost her husband, Julian, and her children, Harriet and Dexter, in a car accident and is struggling with her grief.

Her only friend is Amy, a young lady who lives close by and visits Esther to keep her company.

Esther’s sister, Charlotte, also visits from time to time but Esther despises her. She believes that Charlotte had an affair with Julian and was planning to run off with him and the children on the same journey that killed her family and left Charlotte seriously injured.

From her window, Esther watches her new neighbour and becomes concerned about the erratic and abusive behaviour she displays towards her husband and children.

Spurred on by her own loneliness and a need to make amends for not being able to save her own children, Esther takes it upon herself to watch the woman who lives at number 19 and keep a record of her cruelty with a mind to reporting it to the authorities.

When unexplainable incidents begin to happen in Esther’s house, she begins to fear for her safety and as more and more strangers appear in her life uninvited, she becomes bewildered and disorientated.

Meanwhile, over at number 19, the woman’s behaviour is becoming more explosive and unpredictable.

As Esther starts to lose her grip on reality, her world begins to unravel, leaving her wondering – just who is this strange woman at number 19 and why is Esther so obsessed with her?

About the Author:

Twice longlisted for The Guardian’s Not the Booker Prize, J.A. BAKER was born and brought up in North East England and has had a love of language for as long as she can remember.

When she isn’t writing, she enjoys reading many genres of books but especially enjoys psychological thrillers.

J.A. Baker has had 16 books published. The latest, The Woman in the Woods, was released in August 2023.

She has four grown-up children, three grandchildren and lives in a village near Darlington with her husband and Border Collie, Theo, who is quite possibly the naughtiest dog in the world.

You find out more about J.A.Baker by following her on social media. She welcomes hearing from readers.

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The Woman at Number 19 Review:

Firstly, I was really taken with Esther’s character and found her storyline captivating. Her profound sense of loss, losing her family, including her husband and children, and the void that now consumes her life is palpable. She grapples with the constant tug-of-war between her yearning for happiness and the persistent sadness that engulfs her. There’s also a haunting quality to her as she grapples with memory lapses and a growing inability to comprehend her surroundings. Finding herself in unfamiliar places and discovering her cherished photo of her children torn apart, she becomes convinced that someone is targeting her. The way the author portrayed Esther really struck a chord with me.

Similarly, Veronica’s story is equally intriguing, presenting her as a self-absorbed wife who doesn’t hesitate to manipulate her children to showcase herself as an ideal mother and spouse. I appreciated how Esther cunningly latched onto her as a nosy neighbor, documenting her questionable actions.

The supporting characters, such as Amy, Anne, and Daniel, contribute nicely to the mix. The author skillfully builds suspense and weaves the storyline together. Memorable moments include Esther finding herself in unfamiliar places while walking with Amy and her encounter with Dr. McRae.

However, the story’s developments were somewhat predictable due to coincidences, and the big reveal didn’t pack the shocking punch I hoped for. Towards the end, the story dragged a bit as some scenes felt repetitive. Nevertheless, I admired how the author crafted the storyline and progressed with the plot, which kept me curious throughout.

Despite these minor quibbles, I enjoyed reading “The Woman at Number 19”. I was enthralled by the concept of the storyline. It’s a delightful book to pick up if you’re in the mood for an engaging psychological thriller.

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