They Met in a Tavern by Elijah Menchaca

They Met in a Tavern

They Met in a Tavern by Elijah Menchaca

Release: August 10th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: CamCat Books
Source: TBR Beyond Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazonB&N , TBD, Indiebound



The band is getting back together—and they really wish they weren’t.

The Starbreakers were your classic teenage heroes. Using their combined powers and skills, they were the most successful group of glintchasers in Corsar. But that all changed the day the city of Relgen died. The group went their separate ways, placing the blame on each other.

Brass carried on as a solo act. Snow found work as a notorious assassin. Church became a town’s spiritual leader. Angel was the owner of a bar and inn. And after overcoming his own guilt, Phoenix started a new life as a family man.

Years after their falling out, a new threat looms when bounty hunters attack the former heroes. Phoenix tries to reunite the Starbreakers before everything they have left is taken from them. But a lot can change in seven years. And if mending old wounds was easy, they would have done it a long time ago.

About the Author:

Elijah Menchaca’s birth and upbringing was  from Bakersfield, California . And he has been writing and telling stories since he was five. After seeing his first short stories on his grade school classroom’s bookshelf, he knew he was going to be great. To chase that greatness (and a girl), he attended the University of Louisville where he minored in Creative Writing, discovered a love for Dungeons and Dragons, and got engaged.

Now, based in Ohio, when he isn’t exploring the world he’s created with more stories, he’s making new memories around the virtual table with his old friends, pondering the worlds of fantasy and superheroes on his YouTube channel, and playing the role of devoted partner to a woman far too good for him.

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They Met in a Tavern Review:

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“They Met in a Tavern” is a creative fantasy novel that grew on me, and I enjoyed reading it.

Before I begin, I must say I hardly know anything about Dungeons and Dragons. I heard from quite a few other people how the story inspired elements from the role-playing game. So my thoughts are purely on the tale and how I reacted to it. Initially, it took me a while to adjust to the story. The novel is a bit bumpy in the beginning because you don’t know who the characters are and how they are connected. Moreover, there are many characters on canvas, and it took a while to get used to them. But once I read more about Church, Phoenix, Brass, and the group, I could not put it down.

I am impressed with how the author executed the story, considering that this is his debut. I loved the concept of the story of how he dives into the aftermath of The Starbreakers. The world-building is also vast and has potential, and we get to know about the Antemers and Iandrans and Servitor Hearts. Similarly, I also liked how the author introduced Fellblade and thought the character brought intensity to the story. Moreover, the author always makes the story light-hearted, even with the action and excitement that made the story entertaining.

The characters are also distinctive and stand apart. More than the action, it was interesting to see the emotions between the group members, like how Snow worries about how Church and Angel would react. My favorite character was Brass, and I liked his quick wit. The story had many memorable moments, from when they meet at the Clocktowers Hideout to meet the Handler.

Overall, “They Met in a Tavern” is an exciting fantasy novel worth reading.

Giveaway (US Only):

One winner will receive a finished copy of They Met in a Tavern. The giveaway starts on August 9th and ends on August 16th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the They Met in a Tavern by Elijah Menchaca Blog Tour hosted by TBR Beyond Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

August 9th
thebrokebookblog – Blogger’s Choice
wilcoxmandy – Blogger’s Choice

August 10th
ninebookishlives – Blogger’s Choice

August 11th
tbrandbeyond – Promo Post
booksandpops4000 – Blogger’s Choice

August 12th
thebookdutchesses – Blogger’s Choice
rosyreadz – Review, Playlist & Journal Spread

August 13th
fangirlpixiebooks – Promo Post
thesomedaylibrarian – Blogger’s Choice

August 14th
feliciareads11 – Blogger’s Choice

August 15th
rajivsreviews – Blogger’s Choice
alexiophiles – Blogger’s Choice

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