This Is My America by Kim Johnson

This Is My America

This Is My America by Kim Johnson

Release: July 28th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: : GoodreadsAmazon, KindleAudibleB&NiBooks, KoboTBD,



The Hate U Give meets Just Mercy in this unflinching yet uplifting first novel that explores for instance, the racist injustices in the American justice system.

Every week, seventeen-year-old Tracy Beaumont writes letters to Innocence X, asking the organization to help her father, an innocent Black man on death row. After seven years, Tracy is running out of time ,since her dad has only 267 days left. Then the unthinkable happens. Then, the police arrive in the night. Meanwhile, Tracy’s older brother, Jamal, goes from being a bright, promising track star to a “thug” on the run, accused of killing a white girl. Hence, determined to save her brother, Tracy investigates what really happened between Jamal and Angela down at the Pike. But, will Tracy and her family survive the uncovering of the skeletons of their Texas town’s racist history that still haunt the present?

In short, Fans of Nic Stone, Tiffany D. Jackson, and Jason Reynolds won’t want to miss this provocative and gripping debut.

About the Author:

KIM JOHNSON held leadership positions in social justice organizations as a teen and in college. Also, she’s now a college administrator who maintains civic engagement throughout the community while also mentoring Black student activists and leaders. Besides, she is also the graduate advisor and member of an historically Black sorority. This Is My America is her debut novel. Above all, it explores racial injustice against innocent Black men who are criminally sentenced and the families left behind to pick up the pieces. She holds degrees from the University of Oregon and the University of Maryland, College Park.

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This Is My America Review:

You know what I loved about this story? Primarily, it is so relevant to what is happening today. But, it also has a gripping mystery element as to what happened to Angela. Add to the fact that the characters are just compelling that you immediately root for!  

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This story is so relevant to what we are all experiencing today. It shows the blatant injustice and racism towards people of a different color, orientation, or caste. What I really admired about the author is that she brings up additional cases like the KKK into the mix. I can only imagine the constant fear and protection that people have to live with when they face such groups. She managed to include a bit of everything like romance, mystery, suspense, drama while staying consistent to the theme.

I loved Tracy as the main character. To be honest, I didn’t really like her in the beginning when she takes control of Jamal’s interview. But, once the story-line progressed, I fell in love with her. The author nicely shows that even the smallest actions that Tracy does has a big impact. Beverly was another favorite and I wished we saw more of her. It would be interesting to see a separate story-line focusing on Beverly’s life and the challenges she faces in her role. I also loved the romance between Dean and Tracy. It does not step away from the plot, but it also highlights that not all people of a certain color are bad either.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading “This is My America” and look forward to reading future books by the author.


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This Is My America

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the This Is My America by Kim Johnson Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Tour Schedule:

BookHounds YA -July 13 – Book Excerpt / giveaway
She Just Loves Books – July 14 – Book Review / giveaway
A Dream Within A Dream – July 15 – Book Excerpt / giveaway
Thepagesinbetween– July 16  –  Book Review  /  giveaway
Here’s to Happy Endings – July 17 – Book Review  /  giveaway

Not In Jersey  – July 20 – Book Review  /  giveaway
The Bookwyrm’s Den – July 21 – Book Review  /  giveaway
Bri’s Book Nook – July 22 – Book Review  /  giveaway
Confessions of a YA Reader– July 23 –  Book Review  /  giveaway
Emelie’s Books –  July 24  – Book Review  /  giveaway

Hurn Publications – July 27  – Book Review  /  giveaway
Kait Plus Books – July 28  – Book Excerpt  /  giveaway
Lifestyle of Me – July 29  – Book Review  /  giveaway
Rajiv’s Reviews – July 30  – Book Review  /  giveaway
Stuck in the Stacks – July 31  – Book Review  /  giveaway

Popthebutterfly Reads – August 3  – Book Review  /  giveaway
A Gingerly Review – August 4 – Book Excerpt / giveaway
Two Chicks on Books – August 5 – Book Excerpt / giveaway
Life of a Female Bibliophile – August 6 – Book Review / giveaway
Momfluenster – August 7 – Book Review / giveaway

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