To Break a Covenant

To Break a Covenant by Alison Ames

Release: September 21st 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Page Street Kids
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, KoboTBD



Debut voice Alison Ames delivers with a chilling, feminist thriller, perfect for fans of Wilder Girls and Sawkill Girls.

Moon Basin has been haunted for as long as anyone can remember. It started when there was a big explosion in the mine. As a result, sixteen people were killed. The disaster made it impossible to live in town, with underground fires spewing ash into the sky. But life in New Basin is just as fraught. As such, the ex-mining town relies on its haunted reputation to bring in tourists. But there’s more truth to the rumors than most are willing to admit.  And it is believed the mine still has a hold on everyone who lives there.

Clem and Nina form a perfect loop, best friends forever, and perhaps something more. Their circle opens up for a strange girl named Lisey with a knack for training crows, and Piper, whose father is fascinated with the mine in a way that’s anything but ordinary.  Further, the people of New Basin start experiencing strange phenomena. All of a sudden, they observe sleepwalking, night terrors, voices that only they can hear. And no matter how many vans of ghost hunters roll through, nobody can get to the bottom of what’s really going on. Which is why the girls decide to enter the mine themselves.

About the Author:

Alison Ames lives in Colorado with a lot of animals and her almost-wife. Besides, she loves birds, comics, and the rule of three. THE HAUNTING OF MOON BASIN is her debut novel. Also, Find her on social media @2furiosa. And if you know (or are) Harry Styles she insists you do so..

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To Break a Covenant Review:

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“To Break a Covenant” is an AMAZING Young Adult Horror novel and one of the most notable YA books I have read this year!

This book gave me goosebumps! When the story began, I did not know what to expect. I thought it would be a story of Clem with her friends solving a mystery of Moon Basin. But the story is so much more than that!

The author writes the story in a deliciously gripping manner where the horror slowly creeps on you. The story had me on the edge of my seat after we see Carlisle starts to change. The story gets chilly and gruesome as you continue the tale, and some scenes would probably give me nightmares. One of my favorite moments is when the girls go to the mines for the first time and how they all experience something different down there. The author also makes the book interesting by including interview transcripts with various townspeople impacted by the mines.

Moreover, I loved all the characters. It is so hard to choose a favorite because I thought they brought something new to the story. Clem and Nina are unique, and I loved the possible romance between the two. Piper got a fresh look at the story as the newbie in town, and Lisey a sense of mystery with her obsession with crows. Another reason why I loved the story is that the author also adds some drama to the characters. I loved how Nina gets jealous of Piper and the scenes where they confront their feelings.

Overall, you must read “To Break a Covenant” if you are in the mood for a haunting Young Adult read with memorable characters.

Book Tour Schedule:

To Break a Covenant

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the To Break a Covenant by Alison Ames Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.

Week One:
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-9-13-2021
BookHounds YA-Review-9-14-2021
A Court of Coffee and Books-Review-9-15-2021

Week Two:
Books and Zebras @jypsylynn-Review-9-22-2021

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