To Fetch a Felon by Jennifer Hawkins

To Fetch a Felon

To Fetch a Felon by Jennifer Hawkins

Release: December 29th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Berkley Books
Source: Amazon
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, Audible, B&N, Kobo



A tea shop owner and her beloved corgi attempt to collar a criminal in the first entry of a charming new cozy mystery series set in a quaint British village.

Emma Reed left London because she wanted to put her life in high finance behind her. Her dream is to open a small tea shop in an idyllic village in Cornwall, with its cobblestone streets and twisting byways. Emma plans to bake the recipes handed down to her from her beloved grandmother, and there’ll be plenty of space for her talking corgi, Oliver, to explore. Yes…talking. Emma has always been able to understand Oliver, even though no one else can, and she’s looking forward to plenty of quality time with her best canine buddy in the countryside.

But when Emma arrives in the village she discovers that the curmudgeonly owner of her new building, Victoria, hates dogs and refuses to sell the building because of Oliver. Although some might turn tail and run, Emma is determined to win Victoria over. Unfortunately, she never gets the chance. When Emma delivers some of her homemade scones as a peace offering, she finds Victoria dead from a cup of poisoned tea. Together, Emma and Oliver will need to unleash their detective skills to catch a killer.

About the Author:

Jennifer Hawkins is a Michigan-based author of cozy mysteries. She’s also a mom, binge reader, corgi enthusiast, and a lover of All Things British. For tea, she prefers a second flush Darjeeling with milk. She also makes a killer (so to speak) lemon curd..

Her first novel was, Reclamation, a science fiction story that came out in 1994.

She has written just about everything. I started out in science fiction and fantasy and then moved through romance and YA into mystery and suspense.

She wants to entertain first and foremost. She  also writes about women’s lives and wants to examine relationships in society.

Future goals include mostly to keep learning, keep growing and keep writing and expects every day there’s something new.

For To Fetch a Felon, she read books on dog behavior because she wanted Oliver to be a real dog, not just a human in a fur suit. She also spent time playing with corgis and talking with corgi owners.

She admits to an unending obsession with food/baking competitions. I never miss an episode of Chopped, and of course, I am a huge fan of The Great British Baking Show.

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To Fetch a Felon Review:

What an adorable cozy mystery “To Fetch a Felon ” was, and I could not put it down!

I love mysteries featuring animals, and Oliver is adorable as the corgi who helps Emma with the investigation. I enjoyed how the author set up their friendship where Emma could communicate with Oliver. Although he doesn’t think like a human, he knows enough to communicate using words. I can see the two solving many cases in the future.

Another reason why I liked the case is how both Emma and Corgi both add in their value to investigate, and one did not depend on the other. Emma is remarkable in how she handles the case. I also liked her scenes with Constance and found the Detective interesting. Similarly, I also enjoyed Genny and Angelique as Emma’s friends, as well as Brian. Also, I liked the humor added between Oliver and Percy and how lighthearted he made the scenes.

Furthermore, the author also handled the mystery wonderfully where we wonder what happened to Victoria. There were also quite a few red herrings and twists that shocked me, which I did not expect for a cozy mystery. The reveal, in the end, was also a surprise that made the story entertaining. Considering that there are not many suspects in the story, the author does an excellent job of throwing you off and surprising you in the end.

I hope the author continues to write many more books in this series because it is very addictive. Overall, “To Fetch a Felon” is an excellent start to the “A Chatty Corgi Mystery” series, and I am excited to read more about the series.

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