
Umbrate by A.D Jones

Release: October 13, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: ‎ Independently published 
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon


__B C Harris lives on the west coast of Scotland with her husband and their two dogs. Surrounded by hills, forests and beautiful beaches, she has plenty of space for walking and thinking about characters. Her first book, Conspiracy of Cats, was published in 2021 and received wonderful reader reviews. Making Sacrifices is her second book and she hopes readers will enjoy it every bit as much.

Welcome to Dalton

Home to Humans, Dwarves, Elves and the shadowy Umbral Populace.

Detective Vanic Bradley works hard to keep the peace, coming down hard on the criminal underbelly of the city.

After putting his life on the line multiple times in recent weeks, all he wanted was a day off work to spend time with his son, and re-evaluate his place in the world – but forces beyond his control have other ideas.

For reasons unknown, he will find himself in a race against time as two hundred innocent citizens become collateral damage in a murderous plot centred around him.

About the Author:

A.D Jones lives in the North of England; where he spends his time favouring books over people and can be found writing or devouring said books to review online.

He loves Cola, Twin Peaks, cult movies and all things horror. He dislikes the movie ‘The Karate Kid’ with a passion that burns brighter than the sun.

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Umbrate Review:

Firstly, I found the world-building in the narrative genuinely captivating. The portrayal of a society where humans coexist with creatures like elves and Umbrals added complexity. The unique concept of the Umbrals and their distinctive features was particularly intriguing, contributing to the overall depth of the story.

Secondly, the author’s depiction of Vanic stood out to me. Initially harboring a dislike for Umbrals due to past incidents, Vanic undergoes a significant transformation as the plot unfolds. His evolving perspective towards Umbrals is a thought-provoking reflection of societal attitudes, urging readers to be more open-minded and accepting of differences. Vanic’s dynamic relationship with Noah and his adept use of skills as an officer to navigate challenging situations further added to the narrative’s appeal. Additionally, supporting characters such as Melda, Karl, and Sarah played a vital role in providing depth to the story.

Moreover, the author skillfully weaves action, adventure, romance, and thrills, creating an engaging and enjoyable reading experience. I was hooked from the beginning, especially during the suspenseful events in the mall, leading to a thrilling climax that left me eagerly anticipating the resolution.

However, I yearned for more insight into the backstory of Umbrals and their origin. The prologue, while intriguing, needed more exploration and relevance to the main storyline. A prequel delving into the history of Umbrals and connecting it to the prologue would enhance the overall narrative.

Despite this desire for more backstory, I thoroughly relished the excitement of reading “Umbrate.” It was a quick and thrilling literary journey that left a lasting impression.

Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Umbrate by A.D Jones Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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