Under Cover of Night by Constance Gillam

Under Cover of Night

Under Cover of Night by Constance Gillam

Release: March 30th, 2021 
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Constance Gillam
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



A courageous law officer fighting corruption. Can he hunt down an assassin on the reservation?  Or will he be permanently silenced?

To begin with, Little River Reservation. Police Captain John Iron Hawk serves his people with pride. With a crucial election on the horizon, the strong and silent commander refuses to let criminals undermine his community’s leadership. But when his sister discovers his rival’s murder, Iron Hawk determines to catch the killer before losing his job.

After his sibling quickly becomes the prime suspect, Iron Hawk is furious when the FBI pulls him off the case. However, Working unofficially on the case, he uncovers conspiracies that reach far beyond the homicide. Protecting his homeland from ruthless enemies could cost this police chief his life.

Can Iron Hawk expose the deadly secrets before he’s buried in an unmarked grave?

Under Cover of Night is the third book in the thrilling Lakota romantic suspense series. If you like rich portrayals of Native American society, daring heroes, and the edge of your seat tension, then you’ll love Constance Gillam’s evocative tale.

Buy Under Cover of Night to unearth the mysteries of this reservation today! 

About the Author:

Constance Gillam is an award-winning author of young adult fiction and a 2008 Romance Writers of America Golden Heart finalist for adult fiction. Also, She writes the award-nominated Lakota crime suspense series featuring John Iron Hawk, an Oglala Sioux tribal police captain, and his lover, Zora Hughes.

 Besides, Constance loves writing about diverse characters and cultures and has a soon-to-be-released #ownvoices book, The Hookup Dilemma from Entangled Publishing.

 A former scientist, Constance traded in her lab coat to write fiction—a long-time dream. Also, she lives in Atlanta with a husband who doesn’t mind taking up the household slack as she creates stories about crime, intrigue, and love.

They have three adult children and a part-time dog (long story). You can find her at:

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Under Cover of Night Review:

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I have not read the previous books in the Lakota series, but that did not stop me from enjoying “Under Cover of Night.

Firstly, I loved the mix of crime fiction set in a Native American Indian Reservation with diverse characters. John Iron Hawk is a fine protagonist as he tries to solve the case, even though people regard him as a prime suspect. I enjoyed his relation with Zora and how he gets clues with the help of his friends and ex-colleagues to investigate Crow’s murder.

The author did a fantastic job with the plot. There are quite a lot of twists and turns that kept me entertained. What starts as a simple murder mystery turns out to be part of a bigger picture. As the story progresses, we meet the various residents of the reservation and the potential suspects. Moreover, I loved the climax. Don’t worry, this is a spoiler-free review, but I loved the twist that came after the twist, which surprised me.

Probably my only criticism of the story is the cultural aspect. I would have loved to see a little more culture of the Native American Society into the plot. True, we meet some Shamans, but the story purely felt like crime fiction. It would have been nice if the author added more cultural elements to the mix. Also, I felt that Zora was not prominent in the story, as it primarily focused on John. I would have loved her to be more interactive with the case.

Nevertheless, “Under Cover of Night” was a gripping crime fiction murder mystery. After reading this book, I would check out the first two books to read more about John Iron Hawk and Zara.


Book Tour Schedule

Under Cover of Night

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Under Cover of Night by Constance Gillam Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours



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