Universe of Two: A Novel by Stephen P. Kiernan

Universe of Two

Universe of Two: A Novel by Stephen P. Kiernan

Release:August 4th 2020
Format: Hardback
Publisher: William Morrow
Source: Jean Book Nerd
Find it at: Amazon, AudibleB&NiBooks



After Graduating from Harvard during World War II, mathematician Charlie Fish is assigned to the Manhattan Project with scientists including J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and Leo Szilard. The project involves the task of designing and building the detonator of the atomic bomb.

As he performs that work Charlie suffers a crisis of conscience, which his wife, Brenda. She is unaware of the true nature of Charlie’s top-secret task—mistakes as self-doubt. She urges him to set aside his qualms and continue. But , once the bombs strike Hiroshima and Nagasaki,the feelings of Culpability devastate them.At the war’s end, Charlie receives a scholarship to pursue a PhD in physics at Stanford . He and Brenda hope this will allow them a fresh start. But, the past proves inescapable. All any of his new colleagues can talk about is the bomb, and what greater atomic weapons might be on the horizon. Haunted by guilt, Charlie and Brenda leave Stanford and decide to dedicate the rest of their lives to making amends for the evil he helped to birth into the world.

Based on the life of the actual mathematician Charles B. Fisk, Universe of Two combines riveting historical drama with a poignant love story. Stephen Kiernan has conjured a remarkable account of two people struggling to heal their consciences and find peace in a world forever changed.

About the Author:

As a journalist and novelist, Stephen P. Kiernan has published nearly four million words. His newspaper work garnered more than forty awards — including the George Polk Award and the Scripps Howard Award for Distinguished Service to the First Amendment.

Stephen’s newest novel, UNIVERSE OF TWO, will be out May 5, 2020. He is also author of the novels THE CURIOSITY (now in television series development), THE BAKER’S SECRET (a regional Indie bestseller), and THE HUMMINGBIRD. He has also written two nonfiction books, LAST RIGHTS and AUTHENTIC PATRIOTISM. His work has been translated into many languages.

Stephen was born in Newtonville, NY the sixth of seven children. A graduate of Middlebury College, he received a Master of Arts degree from Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. He has chaired the board of the Young Writers Project, served on the Vermont Legislative Committee on Pain and Palliative Care, and served on the advisory board of the New Hampshire Palliative Care Initiative. He has spoken and consulted around the country about hospice, palliative care and advance directives.

A performer on the guitar since he was ten years old, Stephen has recorded 3 CDs of solo instrumentals, and composed music for dance, the stage and documentary films.

He lives in Vermont with his two amazing sons.

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Universe of Two Review

This is one of the best books I read this year!

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Where do I even begin? Do I talk about the beautiful love story between Brenda and Charlie? Or the nuances of guilt Charlie faces when he realizes the consequences of his work? How about the various physics references that indulged my geeky side? There are so many reasons why I loved this book in so many levels.

I love this author and HAVE to read his previous books. The way he details the story-line makes you feel like you are right next to the characters. Moreover, I loved how he beautifully switches the tone between the two perspectives. Brenda is sassy and fun, and her story-line feels like you are reading a beautiful romance novel. Whereas, Charlie is an introverted genius, and if you read only his story-line, it would sound just like a war thriller. I just loved the contrast between the two, and how they blended beautifully towards the end. Moreover, the author also connects the character events to the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a gripping manner.

I will not talk about Brenda and Charlie because it is obvious that I love them both. From their romantic first date at the movies, to the way they get married, watching these two was just mesmerizing. However, I have to mention my love for Lizzie and Brenda’s mother. These two appear at times in the story, but they just light up the pages. Lizzie is hilarious and made me laugh out loud with her push-ups. Similarly, I hated Mather and Beasley with a passion. I can go on, but I will stop now.

Overall, this book is the epitome of a historical romance. I loved this story, and awaiting the movie adaptation once it comes out.

Book Tour Schedule

Universe of Two

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Universe of Two: A Novel by Stephen P. Kiernan Blog Tour hosted by JeanBookNerd.

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